Course content includes: Introduction to s … Course content includes: Introduction to semantic technologies, Semantic Web, and computational ontologies. Semantic Web languages such as RDF, OWL, and SPARQL. Tools for ontology editing. Methodologies for, and principles of ontology design.
Reengineering of heterogeneous sources to ontologies and RDF datasets.
Refactoring of RDF datasets and OWL ontologies.
Rule-based refactoring: the Semion method and tool.
Definition of ontology design pattern (ODP) and theoretical foundation. Types of ODP and detailed analysis of Logical, Correspondence, and Content ODPs. Overview of XD and analogy with eXtreme Programming (XP). Ontology requirements and competency questions. Defining unit tests for ontologies. Matching requirements with ODPs and ODP selection. ODP specialization and composition. Collaboration and Integration issues. The XD tool. ation and Integration issues. The XD tool.
The course aims at providing attendees wit … The course aims at providing attendees with a good understanding of state-of-the-art techniques for ontology design, with special focus on the semantic web context. The course targets PhD students in Computer Science, Information Technology, Computer Engineering, Mathematics, Logics, Philosophy, Computational Linguistics, and other disciplines that employ, or might consider to employ, techniques and theories connected to semantic technologies, with particular focus on Semantic Web technologies. It also targets Master students in the above mentioned disciplines who are doing a master thesis, or plan to enroll in a PhD program, on these subjects. nroll in a PhD program, on these subjects.