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Training:The Loreley of Ontology Design Patterns
Author VioletaDamjanovic +
Description As Loreley stands for alluring and echoing As Loreley stands for alluring and echoing singing of the ancient Greek sirens, the role of Ontology Design Patterns has been seen in designing solutions to the echoing (frequent) modelling problems in ontology engineering that help in creating rich and straightforward ontologies with reduced effort. The aim of this presentation is to briefly introduce us to the Ontology Design Patterns as a helphul ontology engineering paradigm. s a helphul ontology engineering paradigm.
ExternalResource  +
Goal Education & Dissemination
Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki. 2 April 2009 10:29:44  +
Title The Loreley of Ontology Design Patterns
Categories Tutorial +
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