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FirstName Giorgia  +
Gender Female  +
HowDidYouKnowAbout colleagues  +
LastName Lodi  +
LivesIn Italy (IT)  +
MainMotivationForJoiningOdp I am interested in (re)using (and proposing new) ODPs when developing ontologies. I am also interested in provide information about tutorial on the use of ODPs for Linked Data publishing projects.
Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki. 16 July 2016 15:24:12  +
Picture ODPUser.png +
Role Researcher  +
WorksInOrganization ISTC-CNR  +
WorksInOrganizationType Educational Training and Research Institution  +
Categories ODPUser +
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Ontology Design Patterns for Linked Data Publishing at ISWC 2016 + Author


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