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DomainOfInterest Emergency management; decision-making; sensors; interoperability +
EmailAddress  +
FirstName Jeff  +
Gender Male  +
HowDidYouKnowAbout conference/public events  +, colleagues  +
IsDomainExpertOf Decision-making +
LastName Waters  +
LivesIn United States United States (US)  +
MainMotivationForJoiningOdp Improved interoperability and information sharing in support of emergency management and decision-making.
Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki. 30 September 2010 21:20:54  +
PossibleMainContributionToOdp To have some help to solve modeling problems  +
Role Developer  +
WorksInOrganizationType Governmental Organization  +
Categories ODPUser +
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Metrics +, Modelling Questions +, Ordered Lists + Author


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