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User:MichaelGlöckner |
DomainOfInterest | Logistics +, Supply Chain Management +, Production +, Manufacturing +, Information Systems + |
EmailAddress | + |
FirstName | Michael + |
Gender | Male + |
HomePage | + |
HowDidYouKnowAbout | conference/public events +, surfing the web + |
IsDomainExpertOf | Logistics + |
LastName | Glöckner + |
LivesIn | Germany (DE) + |
MainMotivationForJoiningOdp | In my phd-thesis I'm dealing with the topi … In my phd-thesis I'm dealing with the topic of cloud logistics. Core idea is the virtualization of physical resources from different providers and encapsulate them in electronicly accessible services. In order to have a common knowledge and understanding about logistics resources and connect them on a common base, ontologies are necessary. Further creating ODP for the logistics domain will help to create reusable logistics blueprints. p to create reusable logistics blueprints. |
Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki. | 7 June 2016 09:46:06 + |
Picture | ODPUser.png + |
PossibleMainContributionToOdp | To have some help to solve modeling problems +, To help other users to solve modeling problems + |
Role | PhD Student + |
WorksInOrganization | Leipzig University + |
WorksInOrganizationDescribedBy | + |
WorksInOrganizationType | Educational Training and Research Institution + |
Categories | ODPUser + |
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Logistics Service (LoSe ODP) +, LogisticsService + | SubmittedBy |