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User:MohamadNaf |
DomainOfInterest | Law Ontology + |
FirstName | Mohamad + |
Gender | Male + |
HowDidYouKnowAbout | surfing the web + |
LastName | Naf + |
LivesIn | Palestinian flag Palestinian Territory, Occupied (PS) + |
MainMotivationForJoiningOdp | i want to learn the ontology designing it to build semantic website for law Instiute in birzeit Unvirsiy |
Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki. | 24 October 2009 19:49:20 + |
Picture | ODPUser.png + |
Role | Student + |
WorksInOrganization | Birzeit Unvirsity + |
WorksInOrganizationDescribedBy | + |
WorksInOrganizationType | Educational Training and Research Institution + |
Categories | ODPUser + |
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