Submissions:AlgorithmImplementationExecution Scenario
From Odp
- <code>:wekaLogisticDoNotCheckCapabilities</code>
- <code>:wekaLogisticM</code>
- <code>:wekaLogisticOutputDebugInfo</code>
- <code>:wekaLogisticR</code>. T … <code>:wekaLogisticR</code>. The values of two of these hyperparameters are set. The hyper parameter <code>:wekaLogisticM</code> has value set to -1 (expressed via the ParameterSetting <code>:wekaLogisticMSetting29</code>) e>:wekaLogisticMSetting29</code>)
- Consider a scenario in machine learning (M … Consider a scenario in machine learning (ML) domain. The scenario deals with a machine learning task completion and it is based on an example derived from the OpenML portal ( <br /> There is an ML Task <code>:task29</code> which is a supervised classification task defined on the dataset <code>:credit-a</code>. This task is achieved by the Execution <code>:run100241</code> which executes the Implementation <code>:wekaLogistic</code> of the Algorithm <code>:logisticRegression</code>. <br />The Implementation <code>:wekaLogistic</code> has five hyperparameters (Parameter): <code>:wekaLogisticC</code> ): <code>:wekaLogisticC</code>
- and the hyper parameter <code>:wekaL … and the hyper parameter <code>:wekaLogisticR</code> that has its value set to <code>"1.0E-8"^^xsd:float</code> (expressed via the ParameterSetting <code>:wekaLogisticRSetting29</code>). <br /> The Execution <code>:run100241</code> has on Input the <code>:credit-a</code> dataset and the parameter settings and its Output is the ML model <code>:wekaLogisticModel100241</code>. >:wekaLogisticModel100241</code>.