Submissions:Classification scheme - path enumeration model - to Taxonomy GeneralDescription
From Odp
- 1. Create the LEGISLATORS, SENIOR OFFICIAL … 1. Create the LEGISLATORS, SENIOR OFFICIALS AND MANAGERS class. 1.1. Create the Legislators and senior officials class, and set up the subClassOf relation between the Legislators and senior officials class and the LEGISLATORS, SENIOR OFFICIALS AND MANAGERS class. 1.2. Create the Corporate managers class, and set up the subClassOf relation between the Corporate managers class and the LEGISLATORS, SENIOR OFFICIALS AND MANAGERS class. 2. Create the PROFESSIONALS class. 3. Create the Occupation class. 4. Set up the subClassOf relation between the LEGISLATORS, SENIOR OFFICIALS AND MANAGERS class and the Occupation class. 5. Set up the subClassOf relation between the PROFESSIONALS class and the Occupation class. FESSIONALS class and the Occupation class.
- 1. Identify the classification scheme item … 1. Identify the classification scheme items whose their path enumeration values are equal to their key values, i.e. classification scheme items without parents. 2. For each one of the above identified classification scheme items cei: 2.1. Create the corresponding ontology class, Ci class. 2.2. Identify the classification scheme items, cej , which are children of cei, by using the path enumeration values. 2.3. For each one of the above identified classification scheme items cej : 2.3.1. Create the corresponding ontology class, Cj class. 2.3.2. Set up the subClassOf relation between Cj and Ci. 2.3.3. Repeat from step 2.2 for cej as a new cei. 3. If there are more than one classification scheme items without parent cei 3.1. Create an ad-hoc class as the root class of the ontology. 3.2. Set up the subClassOf relation between Ci class and the root class. ation between Ci class and the root class.
- A non-ontological resource holds a classif … A non-ontological resource holds a classification scheme which follows the path enumeration model. A classification scheme is a rooted tree of concepts, in which each concept groups entities by some particular degree of similarity. The semantics of the hierarchical relation between parents and children concepts may vary depending of the context. The path enumeration data model for classification schemes take advantage of that there is one and only one path from the root to every item in the classification. The path enumeration model stores that path as string by concatenating either the edges or the keys of the classification scheme items in the path. e classification scheme items in the path.
- Suppose that someone wants to build an ontology based on the International Standard Classification of Occupations (for European Union purposes) ISCO-88 (COM). This classification scheme follows the path enumeration data model.
- The International Standard Classification of Occupations (for European Union purposes), 1988 version: ISCO-88 (COM) published by Eurostat is modeled with the path enumeration data model.
- The generated ontology will be based on th … The generated ontology will be based on the taxonomy architectural pattern (AP-TX-01). Each category in the classification scheme is mapped to a class, and the semantics of the relationship between children and parent categories are mapped to subClassOf relations. gories are mapped to subClassOf relations.
- The generated ontology will be based on th … The generated ontology will be based on the taxonomy architectural pattern (AP-TX-01). Each occupation in the classification scheme is mapped to a class, and the semantics of the relationship between children and parent categories are mapped to subClassOf relations. gories are mapped to subClassOf relations.