Modification date 1 August 2012 12:33:41
From Odp
A list of all pages that have property "This property is a special property in this wiki." with value "1 August 2012 12:33:41". Since there have been only a few results, also nearby values are displayed.- MonikaSolanki + (11 August 2012 08:36:15)
- CsongorNyulas + (11 August 2012 08:35:55)
- TaniaTudorache + (11 August 2012 06:40:32)
- Geology + (9 August 2012 18:00:53)
- CGI Simple Lithology 201001 + (9 August 2012 17:54:41)
- CGI Simple Lithology 201001 + (9 August 2012 17:48:54)
- PeriodicInterval/hasPeriod + (3 August 2012 09:20:21)
- PeriodicInterval/hasIntervalDurationPerPeriod + (3 August 2012 09:20:21)
- PeriodicInterval/PeriodicInterval + (3 August 2012 09:20:21)
- PeriodicIntervalv0.jpg + (3 August 2012 08:42:42)
- Pattern for re-engineering a classification scheme, which follows the path enumeration data model, into an ontology schema + (1 August 2012 12:33:41)
- PathEnumerationOccupations2.png + (1 August 2012 12:32:44)
- Pattern for re-engineering a classification scheme, which follows the snowflake data model, into an ontology schema + (1 August 2012 12:31:56)
- SnowflakeExample2.png + (1 August 2012 12:31:16)
- Pattern for re-engineering a term-based thesaurus, which follows the relationbased data model, into an ontology schema + (1 August 2012 12:29:36)
- RelationbasedtermbasedAgrovoc2.png + (1 August 2012 12:27:13)
- Pattern for re-engineering a term-based thesaurus, which follows the recordbased data model, into an ontology schema + (1 August 2012 12:21:06)
- Recordbasedtermbasedexample2.png + (1 August 2012 12:19:20)
- Gamadeusgamadeus + (30 July 2012 18:29:03)
- TizianaVenturini + (30 July 2012 18:28:38)
- LiweiDeng + (24 July 2012 10:15:39)