Modification date 17 November 2009 16:35:15
From Odp
A list of all pages that have property "This property is a special property in this wiki." with value "17 November 2009 16:35:15". Since there have been only a few results, also nearby values are displayed.- Class-by-attribute-value-intersection.png + (27 November 2009 16:03:52)
- Class-by-attribute-value-disjunction.png + (27 November 2009 16:03:41)
- Class-by-attribute-type.png + (27 November 2009 16:03:16)
- Class-by-attribute-range-partition.png + (27 November 2009 16:02:58)
- Aggregation-pattern.png + (27 November 2009 16:02:41)
- Class-by-attribute-occurence.png + (27 November 2009 16:02:20)
- Attribute-domain-restriction.png + (27 November 2009 16:01:52)
- CliffordThompson + (22 November 2009 22:39:36)
- Class-equivalence.png + (20 November 2009 09:18:36)
- Class-equivalence.pdf + (20 November 2009 08:54:55)
- Autumn 2009 - PhD course Jönköping + (17 November 2009 16:35:15)
- MikhailRoshchin + (16 November 2009 22:52:50)
- Autumn 2009 - PhD course Jönköping/Creating CQs and SPARQL queries + (16 November 2009 22:47:43)
- Autumn 2009 - PhD course Jönköping/Mini-project 2: Theater productions + (16 November 2009 22:44:57)
- Autumn 2009 - PhD course Jönköping/Mini-project 1: Hospital employees + (16 November 2009 07:04:38)
- GiampaoloSellitto + (31 October 2009 15:01:53)
- RinkeHoekstra about Define Hybrid Class Resolving Disjointness due to Subsumption 2 + (25 October 2009 16:10:33)
- Term-based – record-based model – thesaurus to lightweight ontology + (25 October 2009 10:45:53)
- RinkeHoekstra about Partition + (25 October 2009 02:07:39)
- RinkeHoekstra about Define Hybrid Class Resolving Disjointness due to Subsumption + (25 October 2009 02:02:00)
- RinkeHoekstra about OnlynessIsLoneliness (OIL) + (24 October 2009 20:15:47)