Modification date 21 July 2021 13:43:44
From Odp
A list of all pages that have property "This property is a special property in this wiki." with value "21 July 2021 13:43:44". Since there have been only a few results, also nearby values are displayed.- Notepattern/hasMidiVelocity + (21 July 2021 14:13:14)
- Notepattern/hasMidiPitch + (21 July 2021 14:12:54)
- Notepattern/hasLiteralDynamic + (21 July 2021 14:12:32)
- Notepattern/hasAccidental + (21 July 2021 14:12:10)
- Notepattern/belongsToMeasure + (21 July 2021 14:11:21)
- Notepattern/isPitchOf + (21 July 2021 14:10:25)
- Notepattern/isDurationOfNote + (21 July 2021 14:09:51)
- Notepattern/hasNotePitch + (21 July 2021 14:05:58)
- Notepattern/hasNoteDuration + (21 July 2021 13:46:54)
- Notepattern/isDynamicOf + (21 July 2021 13:46:13)
- Notepattern/hasNoteDynamic + (21 July 2021 13:43:44)
- Notepattern/SymbolicNote + (21 July 2021 13:42:33)
- Notepattern/NotePitch + (21 July 2021 13:41:29)
- Notepattern/NoteDynamic + (21 July 2021 13:40:41)
- Notepattern/NoteDuration + (21 July 2021 13:39:58)
- Notepattern.png + (20 July 2021 23:27:50)
- Musicalobject/hasDurationInSeconds + (20 July 2021 23:14:36)
- Musicalobject/hasFrequencyMagnitude + (20 July 2021 23:14:13)
- Musicalobject/hasIntensityValue + (20 July 2021 23:13:48)
- Musicalobject/hasSustain + (20 July 2021 23:13:22)
- Musicalobject/hasRelease + (20 July 2021 23:12:53)