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Current revision ID: 10752
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General description
| AOS AGROVOC Concept Server foundation ontology model
Submitted by:
| MargheritaSini
Also Known As:
| AGROVOC Concept Server OWL Model, ASC, AOS
| Act as a basic model for Agricultural Related Ontologies, in particular for the AGROVOC Concept Server. The model clearly identify concepts (domain concepts) from terms (which are represented as instances). Both concepts and terms have specific relationships connecting them.
Competency Questions:
- What is the structure i should use if i want to distinguish between domain concepts and their terminology?
Solution description:
| -
Reusable OWL Building Block:
| (1255)
| This model can be compared to the LIR model. A mapping between the two model exists. Therefore, using the AOS will make your ontology compatible with the LIR and therefore the NeOn Toolkit.
Known Uses:
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Related CPs:
The AOS AGROVOC Concept Server fundation ontology model Content OP locally defines the following ontology elements:
c_noun (owl:Class)
c_noun page
isUsedToMake (owl:ObjectProperty) Y <is used to make> X. A substance or a product Y from which a product X can be mainly (in terms of importance) obtained. E.g. "cow milk" <is used to make> "cheddar cheese"; "hops" <is used to make> "beer" (see <composed_of>);
isUsedToMake page
isMadeFrom (owl:TransitiveProperty) X <isMadeFrom> Y. A product X obtained mainly (in terms of importance) from a substance or a product Y. E.g. "cheddar cheese" <isMadeFrom> "cow milk"; "beer" <isMadeFrom> "hops" (see <composedOf>);
isMadeFrom page
objectProperty (owl:ObjectProperty) Root Property for all object properties. Introduced in order to make querying and organization of properties easier.
objectProperty page
hasRelatedConcept (owl:SymmetricProperty) The most generic relationship to relate two domain concepts. This is used if two concepts are related and none of the more speciifc relationships can be applied. It is also used for backward compatibility to thesauri, i.e. all the more specific relationships can be resolved to this relationship and will translate to the <related term> or RT thesaurus relationship.
hasRelatedConcept page
isAGrowthEnvironmentFor (owl:ObjectProperty) Y <is a growth environment for> X. An environment Y favorable to a taxon X. This is used as the inverse relationship of <grows in>. Use this in a plant and related domain (e.g. fungi). E.g. "isarn region" <is a growth environment for> "jasmine rice"; "moist soil" <is a growth environment for> "rice";
isAGrowthEnvironmentFor page
growsIn (owl:ObjectProperty) X <grows in> Y. A taxon X grows in an environment Y. Use this in a plant and related domain (e.g. fungi). E.g. "jasmine rice" <grows in> "isarn region"; "rice" <grows in> "moist soil";
growsIn page
isMeansFor (owl:ObjectProperty) X <isMeans for> Y. An object or process X mainly used to perform a process Y. See also <used as>. E.g. "curry paste grinding" <performed_with_instrument> "curry paste grinding machine"; "weapon" <is means for> "killing"; "fishing pole" <is means for> "fishing"; "alcohol" <is means for> "cleaning"; Ploughs <is means for> Ploughing ;but NOT "knives" <is means for> "felling" (because knives are not primarily used for cutting down trees);
isMeansFor page
isPerformedByMeansOf (owl:ObjectProperty) Y <is performed by means of> X. An object or process X mainly used to perform a process Y. See also <used_as>. E.g. "curry paste grinding" <is performed by means of> "curry paste grinding machine"; "killing" <is performed by means of> "weapon"; "fishing" <is performed by means of> "fishing pole"; "cleaning" <is performed by means of> "alcohol"; but NOT "knives" <means_for> "felling" (because knives are not primarily used for cutting down trees);
isPerformedByMeansOf page
isMemberOf (owl:ObjectProperty) X <is member of> Y. A social or political unit (group or individual) X;
isMemberOf page
hasMember (owl:ObjectProperty) Y <has member> X. A social or political groupe Y in which a social or political unit (group or individual) X
hasMember page
hasImage (owl:ObjectProperty)
hasImage page
isImageOf (owl:ObjectProperty)
isImageOf page
controls (owl:ObjectProperty)
controls page
isProcessFor (owl:ObjectProperty) X <is process for> Y. One or more actions, activities, methods X that produce a change or development Y. E.g.: "sterilization" <is process for> "fruit cleaning";
isProcessFor page
usesProcess (owl:ObjectProperty) Y <uses process> X. One or more actions, activities, methods X that produce a change or development Y. E.g.: "fruit cleaning" <uses process> "sterilization";
usesProcess page
precedes (owl:ObjectProperty)
precedes page
follows (owl:ObjectProperty)
follows page
performs (owl:ObjectProperty)
performs page
use (owl:ObjectProperty) relationship to keep track of the thesaurus UF+ (used for +) relationships
use page
usedForPlus (owl:ObjectProperty) relationship to import the thesaurus UF+ (used for +) relationships
usedForPlus page
thesaurusRelationship (owl:ObjectProperty) for backward compatibility to thesauri
thesaurusRelationship page
prevents (owl:ObjectProperty)
prevents page
hasSynonym (owl:SymmetricProperty) X <has synonym> Y. A word X that means the same or nearly the same as another word Y. E.g. "bucket" <has synonym> "pail"; "pail" <has synonym> "bucket";
hasSynonym page
hasSymptom (owl:ObjectProperty) X <has symptom> Y. A disease X presents disease characteristic Y in an organism. E.g. "BSE" <has symptom> "anorexia";
hasSymptom page
indicates (owl:ObjectProperty) Y <indicates> X. A disease characteristic Y in an organism indicates disease X. E.g. "anorexia" <indicates> "BSE";
indicates page
isUseOf (owl:ObjectProperty) Y <is use of> X. {Use} Y <is_use_of> {Taxon} X. Use this in a plant domain. - {use} Y <is_use_of> {chemical substance} X. Use this for chemical substance. E.g.: "fruit" <is use of> "apple"; "cleaner" <is use of> "alcohol"; "pesticide" <is use of> "ddt";
isUseOf page
isUsedAs (owl:ObjectProperty) X <is used as> Y. {Taxon} X <is used as> {use} Y. Use this in a plant domain. - {chemical substance} X <is used as> {use} Y. Use this for chemical substance. E.g.: "apple" <is used as> "fruit"; "alcohol" <is used as> "cleaner"; "ddt" <is used as> "pesticide";
isUsedAs page
afflicts (owl:ObjectProperty) X <afflicts> Y. The disease X could adversely affect the health of an organism Y. E.g. "BSE" <afflicts> "cows";
afflicts page
isAfflictedBy (owl:ObjectProperty) Y <is afflicted by> X. The health of an organism Y could adversely be affected by the disease X. E.g. "cows" <is afflicted by> "BSE";
isAfflictedBy page
affects (owl:ObjectProperty) X <affects> Y. Agent X acts on object Y in such a way that Y changes state or location. E.g. "sterilization" <affects> "bacteria"; "pest control" <affects> "pest"; "pollution of agriculture" <affects> "agriculture";
affects page
hasPest (owl:ObjectProperty) Y <has pest> X. An organism Y in which the organism X causes harm. E.g. "Litchi chinensis" <has pest> "Bactrocera dorsalis";
hasPest page
isPestOf (owl:ObjectProperty) X <is pest of> Y. An organism X causes harm to organism Y. E.g. "Bactrocera dorsalis" <is pest of> "Litchi chinensis";
isPestOf page
hasAuthor (owl:ObjectProperty)
hasAuthor page
hasScientificName (owl:ObjectProperty) use this relationship to link a scientific name (taxonomic term, chemical term, etc.) to its common name. The scientific name and the common name usually describe the same concept
hasScientificName page
isCausedBy (owl:ObjectProperty) Y <is caused by> X. A result Y occurred because of an agent X (animate or inanimate). E.g.: "BSE" <is caused by> "prions"; "water erosion" <is caused by> "water";
isCausedBy page
causes (owl:ObjectProperty) X <causes> Y. Agent X (animate or inanimate) brings about a result Y. Examples: "prions" <causes> "BSE"; "water" <causes> "water erosion";
causes page
isBeneficialFor (owl:ObjectProperty) X <is beneficial for> Y. Agent X behaves in a way that produces some result Y that is advantageous to some beneficiary. A means X through which a consequence Y can be achieved. E.g. "biological control arthropods" <is beneficial for> "biological control"; "pest control" <is beneficial for> "plant health";
isBeneficialFor page
benefitsFrom (owl:ObjectProperty) Y <benefits from> X. A result Y that is advantageous to some beneficiary, produced by the behaviour of an agent X. A consequence Y achieved through a means X. E.g. "biological control" <benefits from> "biological control arthropods"; "plant health" <benefits from> "pest control";
benefitsFrom page
hasTheme (owl:ObjectProperty)
hasTheme page
isThemeOf (owl:ObjectProperty)
isThemeOf page
isSourceOf (owl:ObjectProperty) Y <is source of> X. A source Y from which a substance or product X can be exclusively obtained, without any additional substance or product. E.g. "cow" <is source of> "cow milk"; "plant" <is source of> "plant oil"; "olive tree" <is source of> "olive wood"; "chicken" <is source of> "chicken meat"; but NOT "hops" <is source of> "beer" (see <used_to_make>);
isSourceOf page
isDerivedFrom (owl:ObjectProperty) X <is derived from> Y. A substance or product X obtained exclusively from source Y without any additional substance or product. E.g. "cow milk" <is derived from> "cow"; "plant oil" <is derived from> "plant"; "olive wood" <is derived from> "olive tree"; "chicken meat" <is derived from> "chicken"; but NOT "beer" <is derived from> "hops" (see <made_from>);
isDerivedFrom page
hasMappedDomainConcept (owl:ObjectProperty) to map domain concepts to any category in a classification scheme
hasMappedDomainConcept page
belongsToCategory (owl:ObjectProperty) to map any domain concept to any category of any classification scheme
belongsToCategory page
produces (owl:ObjectProperty)
produces page
isAffectedBy (owl:ObjectProperty) Y <is affected by> X. An object Y changes state or location because of an action of an agent X. E.g. "bacteria" <is affected by> "sterilization"; "pest" <is affected by> "pest control"; "agriculture" <is affected by> "pollution of agriculture";
isAffectedBy page
portion (owl:ObjectProperty)
portion page
portionOf (owl:ObjectProperty)
portionOf page
actsUpon (owl:ObjectProperty)
actsUpon page
isSubprocessOf (owl:ObjectProperty) Y <is subprocess of> X. Y is one of one or more processes naturally or conventionally associated with the realization of process X. E.g. "pasteurization" <is subprocess of> "milk production";
isSubprocessOf page
includesSubprocess (owl:TransitiveProperty) X <includes subprocess> Y. Process X naturally or conventionally realized at the minimum through process Y. Equivalent to <includes subprocess>. E.g. "milk production" <includes subprocess> "pasteurization";
includesSubprocess page
datatypeProperty (owl:DatatypeProperty) Root Property for all datatype properties. Introduced in order to make querying and organization of properties easier.
datatypeProperty page
hasStemmedForm (owl:DatatypeProperty) This relationship is used to enter the stemmed form of term.
hasStemmedForm page
hasPlural (owl:DatatypeProperty)
hasPlural page
hasImageDescription (owl:DatatypeProperty) To provide a description of what can be seen on the image
hasImageDescription page
hasImageName (owl:DatatypeProperty) Each image should be assigned a name.
hasImageName page
hasCode (owl:DatatypeProperty)
hasCode page
hasComponent (owl:TransitiveProperty) Y <has component> X. An object X that is a part of a whole Y and has also an existence independently from Y. E.g. "engine" <has component> "engine part"; "tree" <has component> "leaf"; "cell" <has component> "chromosome"; but NOT "blood" <has component> "blood cell" (see <is composed of>);
hasComponent page
isComponentOf (owl:TransitiveProperty) X <is component of> Y. An object X that is a part of a whole Y and has also an existence independently from Y. E.g. "engine part" <is component of> "engine"; "leaf" <is component of> "tree"; "chromosome" <is component of> "cell"; but NOT "blood cell" <is component of> "blood" (see <composes>);
isComponentOf page
hasPart (owl:TransitiveProperty) X <has part> Y. A composite entity X that can be identified as composed by one or more parts, between which Y. Use this relationship when none of the other partitivity relations (<component>, <composed_of>, <portion>, <member>, <includes_subprocess>) apply. E.g. in a plant ontology: {Taxonomic} <has part> {PartPlant};
hasPart page
spatiallyIncludes (owl:TransitiveProperty) X <spatially includes> Y. Part X is an inalienable part of Y. E.g. "Africa" <spatially includes> "Congo"; "Asia" <spatially includes> "Southeast Asia"; "arm" <spatially includes> "hand";
spatiallyIncludes page
isSpatiallyIncludedIn (owl:TransitiveProperty) Y <is spatially included in> X. Part X is an inalienable part of Y. E.g. "Congo" <is spatially included in> "Africa"; "Southeast Asia" <is spatially included in> "Asia"; "hand" <is spatially included in> "arm";
isSpatiallyIncludedIn page
compose (owl:TransitiveProperty) Y <compose> X. A relation in which X composed of Y holds is one where Y consists of the material or substance of which X is made. This relation also subsumes <ingredient_of> and <substance_of> relations. E.g. "blood gas", "blood lipid", "blood protein", "blood cell" <composes> "blood"; "water", "yeast" <compose> "beer";
compose page
isComposedOf (owl:TransitiveProperty) X <is composed of> Y. A relation in which X composed of Y holds is one where Y consists of the material or substance of which X is made. This relation also subsumes <ingredient_of> and <substance_of> relations. E.g. "blood" <is composed of> "blood cell", ""blood gas", "blood lipid", "blood protein"; "beer" <is composed of> "water", "yeast", (and by inheritance "hops" c.f. <made_from>);
isComposedOf page
isPartOf (owl:TransitiveProperty) Y <is part of> X. A part Y that compose an entity X. Use this relationship when none of the other partitivity relations (<component>, <composed_of>, <portion>, <member>, <includes_subprocess>) apply. E.g. in a plant ontology: {PlantPart} <is part of> {Taxonomic};
isPartOf page
hasPortion (owl:TransitiveProperty) X <has portion> Y. A mass X from which a piece Y can be taken. E.g. "plant" <has portion> "cutting"; "chicken" <has portion> "chicken skin"; "a loaf of bread" <has portion> "a slice";
hasPortion page
isPortionOf (owl:TransitiveProperty) Y <is portion of> X. Relation between a mass X and a piece Y taken from the mass. E.g. "cutting" <is portion of> "plant"; "chicken skin" <is portion of> "chicken"; "a slice" <is portion of> "a loaf of bread";
isPortionOf page
isSubCategoryOf (owl:TransitiveProperty) Relationship that is used in order to model the hierarchy of a classification scheme. A category can be in different positions in the hierarchy depending on the classification scheme you are looking at. Therefore, this relationship should not be instantiated directly to create the hierarchy, but rather a sub property specifically created for a particular classification scheme.
isSubCategoryOf page
hasSubCategory (owl:TransitiveProperty) Inverse relationship of the <is sub category of> relationship. This relationship is used to build a hierarchy of categories within a classification scheme. A <has sub category> B means that B is a sub-category of A, i.e. B is a more specific category than A, lower in the hierarchy. Since one category can be in different places in the hierarchy in different classification schemes, do not instantiate this relationship directly, but use the sub-properties specifically for the classification scheme for which the sub-category relationship holds. For example use the <has ASC sub category> relationship to state that A <has ASC sub category> B in the Agris Subject Categories (ASC) classification scheme.
hasSubCategory page
isFaoPaSubCategoryOf (owl:TransitiveProperty) This relationship describes the hierarchy of categories in the FAO Priority Areas (FAO PA) classification scheme. Its inverse relationship is 'has FAO PA sub category'. Use this relationship to declare that one category is the sub category of another category in the FAO PA classification scheme.
isFaoPaSubCategoryOf page
isAscSubCategoryOf (owl:TransitiveProperty) This relationship describes the hierarchy of categories in the Agris Subject Categories (ASC) classification scheme. Its inverse relationship is 'has ASC sub category'. Use this relationship to declare that one category is the sub category of another category in the ASC classification scheme.
isAscSubCategoryOf page
hasTranslation (owl:SymmetricProperty) X <has translation> Y . Word X that has the same meaning of Y in another language. E.g. "vache" (FR) <has translation> "cow" (EN); "cow" (EN) <has translation> "vache" (FR);
hasTranslation page
takenFromSource (owl:FunctionalProperty) The source (website, dictionary, thesaurus, classification scheme, terminology system, etc.) where the definition has been taken from.
takenFromSource page
hasImageSource (owl:FunctionalProperty) The source of an image is the institution, web site, etc. where the image has been taken from.
hasImageSource page
hasImageLink (owl:FunctionalProperty) The link to the physical image, for example the URL, where the image is available.
hasImageLink page
hasStatus (owl:FunctionalProperty)
hasStatus page
hasCodeAsc (owl:FunctionalProperty)
hasCodeAsc page
Additional information
Last revised by KCEW: set the correct namespaces for xmlns, xml:base, and owl:Ontology.
Last revised by KCEW: removed all remaining instances.
(versionInfo): 20080508
(comment): Last revised by KCEW: set the correct namespaces for xmlns, xml:base, and owl:Ontology.
(comment): Last revised by KCEW: removed all remaining instances.
Scenarios about AOS AGROVOC Concept Server fundation ontology model
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Reviews about AOS AGROVOC Concept Server fundation ontology model
This revision (revision ID 10752) takes in account the reviews: none
Other info at evaluation tab
Modeling issues
Modeling issues about AOS AGROVOC Concept Server fundation ontology model
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