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Current revision ID: 10789

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General description

Name: ActingFor
Submitted by: AldoGangemi
Also Known As:
Intent: To represent that some agent is acting in order to forward the action of a social (non-physical) agent.
Competency Questions:
  • Who is working for which organization? Who is representing the company?
Solution description: -
Reusable OWL Building Block: (1072)
Consequences: An ontology designer is able to express relations like delegation, working for, etc. It is not possible to express either time indexing (the situation pattern should be specialized to that purpose), nor the role or task, under which the social action is carried out by the physical agent (the descriptionandsituation pattern should be used instead).
Scenarios: Matteo Sanvitale is working as an officer for CEMA s.r.l.
Known Uses:
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Examples (OWL files):
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The ActingFor Content OP locally defines the following ontology elements:

ObjectProperty actsFor (owl:ObjectProperty) The relation holding between any Agent, and a SocialAgent. In principle, a SocialAgent requires at least one PhysicalAgent in order to act, but this dependency can be 'delegated'; e.g. a university can be acted for by a department, which on its turm is acted for by physical agents.
actsFor page
ObjectProperty actsThrough (owl:ObjectProperty) The relation holding between a PhysicalAgent and a SocialAgent. In principle, a SocialAgent requires at least one PhysicalAgent in order to act, but this dependency can be 'delegated', e.g. a university can be acted for by a department, which is acted for by physical agents.
actsThrough page
Class Agent (owl:Class) Any agentive Object , either physical (e.g. a whale, a robot, an oak), or social (e.g. a corporation, an institution, a community).

Additional comment: a computational agent can be considered as a PhysicalAgent that realizes a certain class of algorithms (that can be considered as instances of InformationObject) that allow to obtain some behaviors that are considered typical of agents in general. For an ontology of computational objects based on DOLCE see e.g. and, and

Agent page
Class SocialAgent (owl:Class) Any individual whose existence is granted simply by its social communicability and capability of action (through some PhysicalAgent).
SocialAgent page

Additional information


Scenarios about ActingFor

No scenario is added to this Content OP.


Reviews about ActingFor

There is no review about this proposal. This revision (revision ID 10789) takes in account the reviews: none

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Modeling issues

Modeling issues about ActingFor

There is no Modeling issue related to this proposal.


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