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Current revision ID: 12749

Graphical representation



General description

Name: Affordance
Submitted by: AndreaNuzzolese
Also Known As:
Intent: To represent the model for supporting the action selection mechanism.
Competency Questions:
  • Which is the strength of an Affordance?

Which tasks are afforded in a certain situation? How should an agent behave in a certain situation? Which are the parameters involved in certain task?

Solution description: The Afforndance ODP relies on the descriptions and situations ODP, and is combined with a frame-based representation scheme. This allows to extend the notion of affordance not only to physical objects, but also complex situations afford actions.
Reusable OWL Building Block: (725)
Known Uses:
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Examples (OWL files):
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The Affordance Content OP locally defines the following ontology elements:

ObjectProperty hasParameter (owl:ObjectProperty) It associates the Task with its parameters.
hasParameter page
ObjectProperty hasTask (owl:ObjectProperty) It associates an Affordance to the Task it refers to.
hasTask page
ObjectProperty holds (owl:ObjectProperty) It associates an Affordance with the Frame in which it holds.
holds page
ObjectProperty isHeldBy (owl:ObjectProperty) It associates a Frame with the Affordance it enables.
isHeldBy page
DatatypeProperty affordanceStrength (owl:DatatypeProperty) It encodes the strength of the Affordance.
affordanceStrength page
Class Affordance (owl:Class) An affordance is modelled in DnS fashion and is an n-ary that relates state of the world (i.e., situations) to tasks according to specific weights or affordance strengths.
Affordance page
Class Frame (owl:Class)
Frame page
Class Situation (owl:Class) A state of the world.
Situation page
Class TaskParameter (owl:Class) A parameter of a task.
TaskParameter page

Additional information


Scenarios about Affordance

No scenario is added to this Content OP.


Reviews about Affordance

There is no review about this proposal. This revision (revision ID 12749) takes in account the reviews: none

Other info at evaluation tab

Modeling issues

Modeling issues about Affordance

There is no Modeling issue related to this proposal.


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