Submissions:An Ontology Design Pattern for Activity Reasoning

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Current revision ID: 12001

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General description

Name: Activity Pattern
Submitted by: YingjieHu
Also Known As:
Intent: To incorporate the general two perspectives of activities: a workflow perspective, which are often observed in planning-related applications, and a spatiotemporal perspective, which are often found in geographic activity analysis.

Workflow, General

Competency Questions:
  • What are the requirements to complete an activity?
  • Which places are involved in the activity?
  • Can other planned activities/tasks be combined with this activity?
  • Which chained activities are necessary to achieve this activity?
  • Which activities are afforded by specific places?
  • Where and when to acquire an activity-relevant object?
Solution description: Activity is an important concept in many fields, and a number of activity-related ontologies have been developed. While suitable for their designated use cases, these ontologies cannot be easily generalized to other applications. This work aims at providing a generic ontology design pattern to model the common core of activities in different domains. Such a pattern can be used as a building block to construct more specific activity ontologies.
Reusable OWL Building Block: (1009)
Consequences: Only two perspectives for activities are included in this pattern. While these two perspectives are commonly observed in existing work, other views toward activities may also need to be supported in future work.
Scenarios: Activity or task planning. Help find out which activities should be completed before other activities.Activity decomposition. Find out what are the sub-activities that constitute the super activity.Spatiotemporal queries. Find out the activities that happen at particular locations and time.
Known Uses:
Web References:
Other References:
Examples (OWL files):
Extracted From:
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Has Components:
Specialization Of:
Related CPs:


The An Ontology Design Pattern for Activity Reasoning Content OP locally defines the following ontology elements:

ObjectProperty hasDependent (owl:ObjectProperty)
hasDependent page
ObjectProperty hasOutcome (owl:ObjectProperty)
hasOutcome page
ObjectProperty hasPart (owl:ObjectProperty)
hasPart page
ObjectProperty hasParticipant (owl:ObjectProperty)
hasParticipant page
ObjectProperty hasRequirement (owl:ObjectProperty)
hasRequirement page
ObjectProperty isDependentOf (owl:ObjectProperty)
isDependentOf page
ObjectProperty isPartOf (owl:ObjectProperty)
isPartOf page
ObjectProperty isPrecededBy (owl:ObjectProperty)
isPrecededBy page
ObjectProperty isRequirementOf (owl:ObjectProperty)
isRequirementOf page
ObjectProperty precedes (owl:ObjectProperty)
precedes page
ObjectProperty produces (owl:ObjectProperty)
produces page
ObjectProperty supports (owl:ObjectProperty)
supports page
ObjectProperty takesPlaceAt (owl:ObjectProperty)
takesPlaceAt page
DatatypeProperty hasDuration (owl:DatatypeProperty)
hasDuration page
DatatypeProperty hasEnd (owl:DatatypeProperty)
hasEnd page
DatatypeProperty hasStart (owl:DatatypeProperty)
hasStart page
Class Activity (owl:Class)
Activity page
Class FixedActivity (owl:Class)
FixedActivity page
Class FlexibleActivity (owl:Class)
FlexibleActivity page
Class Outcome (owl:Class)
Outcome page
Class Place (owl:Class)
Place page
Class Requirement (owl:Class)
Requirement page

Additional information

While this pattern so far focuses on human activities, the agents that are involved in this pattern may also be other autonomous agents, such as animals.


Scenarios about An Ontology Design Pattern for Activity Reasoning

No scenario is added to this Content OP.


Reviews about An Ontology Design Pattern for Activity Reasoning

There is no review about this proposal. This revision (revision ID 12001) takes in account the reviews: none

Other info at evaluation tab

Modeling issues

Modeling issues about An Ontology Design Pattern for Activity Reasoning

There is no Modeling issue related to this proposal.


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