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Current revision ID: 9066

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General description

Name: BasicPlan
Submitted by: AldoGangemi
Also Known As:
Intent: -
Competency Questions:
Solution description: -
Reusable OWL Building Block: (955)
Known Uses:
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Examples (OWL files):
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The BasicPlan Content OP locally defines the following ontology elements:

ObjectProperty conceptualizes (owl:ObjectProperty) A relation stating that an Agent is internally representing a SocialObject . E.g., 'John believes in the conspiracy theory'; 'Niels Bohr created the solar-system metaphor for the atomic theory'; 'Jacques assumes all swans are white'; 'the task force members share the attack plan'.
conceptualizes page
ObjectProperty executesTask (owl:ObjectProperty) A relation between an action and a task, e.g. 'putting some water in a pot and putting the pot on a fire until the water starts bubbling' executes the task 'boiling'.
executesTask page
ObjectProperty isConceptualizedBy (owl:ObjectProperty) A relation stating that an Agent is internally representing a Description . E.g., 'John believes in the conspiracy theory'; 'Niels Bohr created a solar-system metaphor for his atomic theory'; 'Jacques assumes all swans are white'; 'the task force shares the attack plan'.
isConceptualizedBy page
ObjectProperty isExecutedIn (owl:ObjectProperty) A relation between an action and a task, e.g. 'putting some water in a pot and putting the pot on a fire until the water starts bubbling' executes the task 'boiling'.
isExecutedIn page
ObjectProperty isParametrizedBy (owl:ObjectProperty) The relation between a Parameter, e.g. 'MajorAge', and a Region, e.g. '>17 year'.
isParametrizedBy page
ObjectProperty isSatisfiedBy (owl:ObjectProperty) A relation between a Situation and a Description, e.g. the execution of a Plan satisfies that plan.
isSatisfiedBy page
ObjectProperty parametrizes (owl:ObjectProperty) The relation between a Parameter, e.g. 'MajorAgeLimit', and a Region, e.g. '18_year'.

For a more data-oriented relation, see hasDataValue

parametrizes page
ObjectProperty satisfies (owl:ObjectProperty) A relation between a Situation and a Description, e.g. the execution of a Plan satisfies that plan.
satisfies page
Class GoalSituation (owl:Class) A goal situation is a situation that satisfies a goal.Opposite to the case of subplan executions, a goal situation is not part of a plan execution.In other words, it is not true in general that any situation satisfying a part of a description, is also part of the situation that satisfies the whole description. This helps to account for the following cases: a) Execution of plans containing abort or suspension conditions (the plan would be satisfied even if the goal has not been reached, see below), b) Incidental satisfaction, like when a situation satisfies a goal without being intentionally planned (but anyway desired).
GoalSituation page

Additional information

The basic plans. This content ontology design patterns represents plans descriptions and their executions. It is defined by combining and expanding other CPs: basic plans description, basic plans execution, and object role. Expansion involves the partial clone of ontology elements from DOLCE Ultra Lite and Plans Lite ontologies.


Scenarios about BasicPlan

No scenario is added to this Content OP.


Reviews about BasicPlan

There is no review about this proposal. This revision (revision ID 9066) takes in account the reviews: none

Other info at evaluation tab

Modeling issues

Modeling issues about BasicPlan

There is no Modeling issue related to this proposal.


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