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Current revision ID: 9075

Graphical representation



General description

Name: collection entity
Submitted by: ValentinaPresutti
Also Known As: collections, membership
Intent: To represent collections, and their entities, i.e. to represent membership.

Parts and Collections

Competency Questions:
  • Which collection this entity is member of?
  • Which are the members of this collection?
Solution description: This pattern is a basic one: it catches the idea of a collection and its members.
Reusable OWL Building Block: (1933)
Consequences: It is possible to put sets in the domain of discourse through the class Collection, which reifies them.

For temporary membership, the TimeIndexedMembership should be used.

Scenarios: The Louvre Aegyptian collection.
Known Uses:
Web References:
Other References:
Examples (OWL files):
Extracted From:
Reengineered From:
Has Components:
Specialization Of:
Related CPs:


The CollectionEntity Content OP locally defines the following ontology elements:

Class Collection (owl:Class) Any container for entities that share one or more common properties. E.g. stone objects, the nurses, the Louvre Aegyptian collection. A collection is not a logical class: a collection is a first-order entity, while a class is a second-order one.

Collection page

Class Entity (owl:Class) Anything: real, possible, or imaginary, which some modeller wants to talk about for some purpose.

Entity page

ObjectProperty hasMember (owl:ObjectProperty) A relation between collections and entities, e.g. 'my collection of saxophones includes an old Adolphe Sax original alto' (i.e. my collection has member an Adolphe Sax alto). The object property isMemberOf is its inverse.

hasMember page

ObjectProperty isMemberOf (owl:ObjectProperty) The inverse of hasMember.

isMemberOf page

Additional information


Scenarios about CollectionEntity
  • Aldo, Alfio and Valentina are members of the STLab. >>>


Reviews about CollectionEntity

There is no review about this proposal. This revision (revision ID 9075) takes in account the reviews: ValentinaPresutti about CollectionEntity

Other info at evaluation tab

Modeling issues

Modeling issues about CollectionEntity

There is no Modeling issue related to this proposal.


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