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Current revision ID: 11533

Graphical representation



General description

Name: HistoricalMap
Submitted by: EleniGkadolou
Also Known As:
Intent: The ontology's intent is to describe a historical map and its attributes.


Competency Questions:
Solution description: Historical map's semantic documentation
Reusable OWL Building Block: (931)
Known Uses:
Web References:
Other References:
Examples (OWL files):
Extracted From:
Reengineered From:
Has Components:
Specialization Of:
Related CPs:


The HistoricalMap Content OP locally defines the following ontology elements:

Class PrimeMeridian (owl:Class) The first lline of longitude from which the longitute is calculated.
PrimeMeridian page
Class MapMathematicalElement (owl:Class) The mathematical parameters for creating a map.
MapMathematicalElement page
Class Scale (owl:Class) The mathematical ratio that gives the size of something in the earth surface and the size of it in the map.
Scale page
Class ReferenceSystem (owl:Class) The system of axes that uses coordinates to establish position
ReferenceSystem page
Class Projection (owl:Class) The mathematical process for representing earth in the plane.
Projection page
Class Orientation (owl:Class) The position of the map in relation to the North (True, Magnetic, Grid North).
Orientation page
Class MathematicalNote (owl:Class) Any note written on the map concerning mathematical information.
MathematicalNote page
Class Collection (owl:Class) Several things (historical maps) grouped together or considered as a whole (Wordnet).
Collection page
Class HistoricalMap (owl:Class) A diagrammatic representation of the earth's surface (or part of it) belonging to the past (Wordnet).
HistoricalMap page
ObjectProperty includes (owl:ObjectProperty)
includes page
ObjectProperty hasCurrentOwner (owl:ObjectProperty)
hasCurrentOwner page
Class Collector (owl:Class) A person or organisation that owns 1 or more historical maps.
Collector page
Class Actor (owl:Class) A person who acts and gets things done (Wordnet).
Actor page
Class MapElement (owl:Class) A characteristic of map.
MapElement page
Class Title (owl:Class) The heading of the map.There may be more than one titles (sub-titles).
Title page
Class Technique (owl:Class) The process by which the map was created or published.
Technique page
Class Subject (owl:Class) The theme of the map e.g. the establishment of new national borders
Subject page
Class SpatialCoverage (owl:Class) The spatial extend of the geographic area that is depicted in the map.
SpatialCoverage page
Class Language (owl:Class) The language(s) used for the literals in the map.
Language page
Class Dimension (owl:Class) The dimensions of the map, length and width.
Dimension page
Class Note (owl:Class) Any note (except mathematical) that is written on the map.
Note page
Class Material (owl:Class) The material of which the map is published.
Material page
Class MapDescriptiveElement (owl:Class) All the metadata that are used for describing a map and for its cataloguing.
MapDescriptiveElement page
Class SpatialObject (owl:Class) The class spatial-object represents everything that can have a spatial representation. It is superclass of feature and geometry (Geosparql).
SpatialObject page
Class Creator (owl:Class) The person who created the map.
Creator page
ObjectProperty created (owl:ObjectProperty)
created page
Class Cartographer (owl:Class) A person who makes maps.
Cartographer page
Class Publisher (owl:Class) The person responsible for the publication of the map.
Publisher page
ObjectProperty designed (owl:ObjectProperty)
designed page
ObjectProperty published (owl:ObjectProperty)
published page
ObjectProperty isPublishedBy (owl:ObjectProperty)
isPublishedBy page
ObjectProperty hasOrientation (owl:ObjectProperty)
hasOrientation page
ObjectProperty hasLanguage (owl:ObjectProperty)
hasLanguage page
ObjectProperty hasProjection (owl:FunctionalProperty)
hasProjection page
ObjectProperty isCreatedBy (owl:ObjectProperty)
isCreatedBy page
ObjectProperty hasTitle (owl:ObjectProperty)
hasTitle page
ObjectProperty hasReferenceSystem (owl:FunctionalProperty)
hasReferenceSystem page
ObjectProperty hasSubject (owl:ObjectProperty)
hasSubject page
ObjectProperty isMadeBy (owl:ObjectProperty)
isMadeBy page
ObjectProperty isPartOf (owl:ObjectProperty)
isPartOf page
ObjectProperty hasScale (owl:FunctionalProperty)
hasScale page
ObjectProperty hasNote (owl:ObjectProperty)
hasNote page
ObjectProperty hasDimension (owl:ObjectProperty)
hasDimension page
ObjectProperty hasMathematicalNote (owl:ObjectProperty)
hasMathematicalNote page
ObjectProperty hasPrimeMeridian (owl:ObjectProperty)
hasPrimeMeridian page
ObjectProperty isDesignedBy (owl:ObjectProperty)
isDesignedBy page
ObjectProperty isMadeOf (owl:ObjectProperty)
isMadeOf page
ObjectProperty isCurrentOwnerOf (owl:ObjectProperty)
isCurrentOwnerOf page
ObjectProperty hasDateOfPublication (owl:ObjectProperty)
hasDateOfPublication page
ObjectProperty MyProperties (owl:ObjectProperty)
MyProperties page
ObjectProperty isPublishedAt (owl:ObjectProperty)
isPublishedAt page
ObjectProperty isMathematicalNoteOf (owl:ObjectProperty)
isMathematicalNoteOf page
ObjectProperty isEditedBy (owl:ObjectProperty)
isEditedBy page
ObjectProperty edited (owl:ObjectProperty)
edited page
ObjectProperty isLanguageOf (owl:ObjectProperty)
isLanguageOf page
ObjectProperty isOrientationOf (owl:ObjectProperty)
isOrientationOf page
ObjectProperty hasDateOfEdition (owl:ObjectProperty)
hasDateOfEdition page
ObjectProperty isDepictedIn (owl:ObjectProperty)
isDepictedIn page
ObjectProperty depicts (owl:ObjectProperty)
depicts page
ObjectProperty hasPlaceOfPublication (owl:ObjectProperty)
hasPlaceOfPublication page
ObjectProperty hasDateOfCreation (owl:ObjectProperty)
hasDateOfCreation page
ObjectProperty hasColor (owl:ObjectProperty)
hasColor page
DatatypeProperty type (owl:DatatypeProperty)
type page
DatatypeProperty copy (owl:DatatypeProperty)
copy page
DatatypeProperty numberOfSheets (owl:DatatypeProperty)
numberOfSheets page
DatatypeProperty date (owl:DatatypeProperty)
date page

Additional information


Scenarios about HistoricalMap

No scenario is added to this Content OP.


Reviews about HistoricalMap

There is no review about this proposal. This revision (revision ID 11533) takes in account the reviews: none

Other info at evaluation tab

Modeling issues

Modeling issues about HistoricalMap

There is no Modeling issue related to this proposal.


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