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General description
Name: | Move |
Submitted by: | AldoGangemi |
Also Known As: | |
Intent: | -- |
Domains: | |
Competency Questions: | |
Solution description: | -- |
Reusable OWL Building Block: | (814) |
Consequences: | |
Scenarios: | |
Known Uses: | |
Web References: | |
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Examples (OWL files): | |
Extracted From: | |
Reengineered From: | |
Has Components: | |
Specialization Of: | |
Related CPs: |
The Move Content OP locally defines the following ontology elements:

The sub-moves into which the move is decomposed form a logical whole, although the entire picture may not be completely known, and the sub-moves are constitutive of the general move.

The property implies the object's passive participation. For example, Monet's painting "Impression sunrise" was moved for the first Impressionist exhibition in 1874.
In reality, a move must concern at least one object.

A move will be linked to an origin, such as the move of an artefact from storage to display. A move may be linked to many origins. In this case the move describes the picking up of a set of objects. The area of the move includes the origin, route and destination.

A move will be linked to a destination, such as the move of an artefact from storage to display. A move may be linked to many terminal instances of E53 Places. In this case the move describes a distribution of a set of objects. The area of the move includes the origin, route and destination.

The related Place should be seen as an approximation of the geographical area within which the phenomena that characterise the move in question occurred. took place at (witnessed) does not convey any meaning other than spatial positioning (generally on the surface of the earth).

Note, that the class Move inherits the property 'took place at' (witnessed): Place. This property should be used to describe the trajectory or a larger area within which a move takes place, whereas the properties moved to (was destination of), moved from (was origin of) describe the start and end points only. Moves may also be documented to consistsOf other moves (via consistsOf (formsPartOf)), in order to describe intermediate stages on a trajectory. In that case, start and end points of the partial moves should match appropriately between each other and with the overall event. {@en}

The class also includes all aggregates of objects made for functional purposes of whatever kind, independent of physical coherence, such as a set of chessmen. Typically, instances of E19 Physical Object can be moved (if not too heavy).
In some contexts, such objects, except for aggregates, are also called "bona fide objects" (Smith and Varzi, 2000, pp.401-420), i.e. naturally defined objects.
The decision as to what is documented as a complete item, rather than by its parts or components, may be a purely administrative decision or may be a result of the order in which the item was acquired.

Any object can serve as a frame of reference for E53 Place determination. The model foresees the notion of a "section" of an E19 Physical Object as a valid E53 Place determination. {@en}

Additional information
The move content ontology design pattern. This CP represents the action of moving a physical object from a place to another. The move CP is extracted from the CIDOC ontology.
No scenario is added to this Content OP.
There is no review about this proposal. This revision (revision ID 9103) takes in account the reviews: none
Other info at evaluation tab
Modeling issues
There is no Modeling issue related to this proposal.