From Odp
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If you are author of this proposal or you want to contribute to this pattern's review, you can: specify if this revision takes in account any of the review(s) In general, it could be useful to visit the evaluation section to have information about the evaluation process of this proposal Current revision ID: 11206 |
Graphical representation
General description
Name: | OOPMetrics |
Submitted by: | IonelVirgilPop |
Also Known As: | |
Intent: | To represent software metrics especially for the purpose of detecting design-flaws in software systems based on these metrics. This is useful for re-engineering the software system., De a reprezenta metricile soft in special in scopul detectarii defectelor de proiectare din sistemele soft pe baza acestor metrici. Acest lucru este folositor pentru reingineria sistemului soft. |
Domains: | |
Competency Questions: |
Knowing the software metrics
Cunoscand metricile soft
Solution description: | This is an ontology pattern that represents software metrics for OOP. The unit test present in the ontology pattern shows how an ontology that uses this pattern can be queried to satisfy the scenario. |
Reusable OWL Building Block: | (1190) |
Consequences: | Software anti-patterns (design-flaws) can be detected based on software metrics by using this ontology pattern., Anti-sabloanele (defectele de proiectare) soft pot fi detectate pe baza metricior soft daca se foloseste aceasta ontologie sablon. |
Scenarios: | Find if a class (or which class) is a God Class based on it's metrics., Gaseste daca o clasa (sau care clasa) se inscrie in anti-sablonul "God Class" pe baza metricilor ei. |
Known Uses: | |
Web References: | |
Other References: | |
Examples (OWL files): | |
Extracted From: | |
Reengineered From: | |
Has Components: | |
Specialization Of: | |
Related CPs: |
The OOPMetrics Content OP locally defines the following ontology elements:

Se refera la o OOPClass dintr-un OOPPackage.

Se refera la o OOPMethod dintr-o OOPClass.

Se refera la o metrica soft pe care o are un/o OOPProject/OOPPackage/OOPClass/ OOPMethod.

Fiecare metrica soft are o categorie OOPMetricCategory. Categoria de care apartine este specificata prin intermediul proprietatii hasMetricCategory.

Se refera la un OOPPackage dintr-un OOPProject.

Valoarea reala pentru metrica soft.

Valoarea intreaga pentru metrica soft.

Numele complet pentru categoria de metrica soft, cum ar fi: "Weighted Methods Count".

Aceasta reprezinta numele (mai precis acronimul) pentru categoria de metrica soft. Cum ar fi: "WMC" pentru "Weighted Methods Count", TCC pentru "Tight Class Cohesion", etc.

O valoare numerica reprezentand categoria metricii soft.

Aceasta reprezinta conceptul "clasa" din programarea orientata obiect.

Aceasta reprezinta conceptul "metoda" din programarea orientata obiect.

Aceasta reprezinta o metrica soft specifica programarii orientate obiect.

Fiecare metrica soft apartine unei categorii OOPMetricCategory.

Aceasta reprezinta conceptul "pachet" din programarea orientata obiect.

Additional information
Note from the author to the evaluators: the title of the related article is: "An Ontology Pattern for Software Metrics", submission 21.
No scenario is added to this Content OP.
Review article | Posted on | About revision (current is 11206) |
MariaPoveda about OOPMetrics | 245616121 August 2012 | 1116111,161 |
RinkeHoekstra about OOPMetrics | 245616121 August 2012 | 1116911,169 |
This revision (revision ID 11206) takes in account the reviews: MariaPoveda about OOPMetrics, RinkeHoekstra about OOPMetrics
Other info at evaluation tab
Modeling issues
There is no Modeling issue related to this proposal.
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