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Current revision ID: 9108

Graphical representation



General description

Name: Parameter
Submitted by: AldoGangemi
Also Known As:
Intent: To represent parameters to be used for a certain concept.


Competency Questions:
Solution description: A basic pattern to represent parameters over concepts. Implemented with simple classes and properties.
Reusable OWL Building Block: (891)
Known Uses:
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The Parameter Content OP locally defines the following ontology elements:

ObjectProperty hasParameter (owl:ObjectProperty) A Concept can have a Parameter that constrains the attributes that a classified Entity can have in a certain Situation, e.g. a 4WheelDriver Role definedIn the ItalianTrafficLaw has a MinimumAge parameter on the Amount 16.
hasParameter page
ObjectProperty isParameterFor (owl:ObjectProperty) A Concept can have a Parameter that constrains the attributes that a classified Entity can have in a certain Situation, e.g. a 4WheelDriver Role definedIn the ItalianTrafficLaw has a MinimumAge parameter on the Amount 16.
isParameterFor page
DatatypeProperty hasParameterDataValue (owl:DatatypeProperty) Parametrizes values from a datatype. For example, a Parameter AgeForDriving hasParameterDataValue 18 on datatype xsd:int, in the Italian traffic code. In this example, AgeForDriving isDefinedIn the Norm ItalianTrafficCodeAgeDriving.

More complex parametrization requires workarounds. E.g. AgeRangeForDrugUsage could parametrize data value: 14 to 50 on the datatype: xsd:int. Since complex datatypes are not allowed in OWL1.0, a solution to this can only work by creating two 'sub-parameters': MinimumAgeRangeForDrugUsage (that hasParameterDataValue 14) and MaximumAgeRangeForDrugUsage (that hasParameterDataValue 50), which are components of the main Parameter AgeRangeForDrugUsage.

Ordering on subparameters can be created by using or specializing the object property 'precedes'.

hasParameterDataValue page
Class Concept (owl:Class) A concept is a SocialObject, and isDefinedIn a Description .

Once defined, a Concept can be used in other descriptions.

The classifies relation relates concepts to entities at some time

Concept page
Class Parameter (owl:Class) A Concept that classifies something having a certain value, e.g. 'High' can be said of people taller than 185 cm.

However, in order to formally represent this constraint, we need to add an anonymous type to a parameter instance, using a property that convey the semantics of the parameter, e.g.:

High rdf:type Person and (some hasHeight (Height and (oneOf isTallerThan 185) and (oneOf hasUnitOfMeasure centimeter)))

Parameter page

Additional information

The parameter content ontology design pattern. This CP is extracted from the DOLCE Ultra Lite ontology. It represents parameters which are constraints or selections on observable values.


Scenarios about Parameter

No scenario is added to this Content OP.


Reviews about Parameter

There is no review about this proposal. This revision (revision ID 9108) takes in account the reviews: none

Other info at evaluation tab

Modeling issues

Modeling issues about Parameter
Modeling issue Competency question Domains
Situation classification What situations satisfy a certain description? What descriptions can be (partly) satisfied by that situation? What situations (partly) satisfying a certain description can emerge out of this dataset?


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