Template:All feedbacks

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Feedback in order of priority Title Priority Status
ODP types - error in figure ODP types - error in figure High To be done
Modifying a proposed CP Modifying a proposed CP Low To be done
GUI should state root path of ODP Categories State full ODP Category root-path on all concrete ODP pages. Low To be done
Fields which values separated by commas An idea to edit and print fields which values separated by commas Medium To be done
Time or other sortable feature in Tutorials Time or other sortable feature in Tutorials Medium To be done
Merge additional catalog of ODPs into this Wiki Merge an additional external catalog of ODPs into the existing catalogues of this Wiki Medium To be done
Exporting odp content ExportingODPContent Medium To be done
Pattern or generic terms Pattern or generic terms? Medium To be done
Submitted /last updated time shown in pattern summary and listings Submitted /last updated time shown in pattern summary and listings Medium To be done
Upload file. Support for N3 or Turtle file format extension. Upload file. Support for N3 or Turtle file format extension. Medium To be done
Group assignment inconsistency Group assignment inconsistency Medium To be done

Closed issues from feedback Title Priority Status
Tip for entering new submissions Tip for entering new submissions Medium fixed
Element Names Names for Title, tab, < h1 > and navigation menu Low fixed
Free text on pattern submision page display of free text on pattern submission page Medium fixed
Picture file formats Picture file formats Medium fixed
Templates definition functionality Template definition functionality for all registered users High fixed
Meaningful links Meaningful links Medium fixed
Colon in the ODP template Colon (:) in the ODP template Medium fixed
Logo Logo High fixed
CP Image position CP Image position High fixed
Imporvements to main page Main page could be improved Medium fixed
Choosing users and domains Choosing users and domains Medium fixed
Modifying a proposed reengineering pattern modifying a proposed reengineering proposal High fixed
Special pages visibility Visibility of Category and Property pages to odp users High fixed
Improving feedback mechanism It is not clear how to submit a feedback High fixed
Upload owl files Upload owl files in modelling issue and proposed OP Medium fixed
Gender not mandatory Gender not mandatory when registering an account Medium fixed
Definition of ontology elements Definition of ontology elements from a proposed Content OP: red links do not point to the right editing form. High fixed
On Modeling Issues How are Modeling Issues connected to ODP's? Medium fixed
Create a domain is not possible Create a domain while propose CP is not possible High fixed
List Patterns: link inconsistency List Patterns: link inconsistency Medium fixed
Number of downloads for a Content OP To count the number of times a Content OP has been downloaded. Medium fixed
Error in links Link does not available High fixed
Required fields Required fields Low fixed
Spelling error on tab Spelling error on tab Low fixed
Unable to move pattern Unable to move pattern Medium obsolete
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