Template:All scenarios
From Odp
Scenario | ScenarioOf | Description |
AgentRole/Scenario 1 | AgentRole | Aldo Gangemi is a senior researcher. He is also father and a saxophonist. |
CollectionEntity/Scenario 1 | CollectionEntity | Aldo, Alfio and Valentina are members of the STLab. |
ConceptTerms/Scenario 1 | ConceptTerms | This ontology contains an example ABox for the ConceptTerms CP available at http://sites.google.com/site/pierreyvesvandenbussche/resources/ConceptTerms.owl This ontology describes example coming from Eurovoc(http://europa.eu/eurovoc/) where a concept has a preferred term "social sciences" in english and a simple non preferred term (i.e. synonyms) "humanities" in the same language whereas the same concept has a preferred term "sciences sociales" in french and a simple non preferred term "sciences humaines" in this language. We consider a second preferred term in english "award" which names a concept. In this particular information retrieval context, we define a coumpound non preferred term "social sciences awards" which is related to preferred terms "social sciences" and "award". |
Literal Reification/Scenario 1 | Literal Reification | Used frequently in the Web 2.0, descriptive tags such as the ones used in folksonomies are keywords (e.g., strings) assigned to a particular resource, such as a web document, with the intent to describe it. Just like words in any natural language, tags may have different meanings depending on the context in which they are used. For instance, the word “Paris” may be either a name of a city or a first name of a person. Here, it is clear that the act of tagging with “Paris” both the Wikipedia pages about the Eiffel Tower and the one about Paris Hilton hides two different intents: in the former case, “Paris” denotes the city in which the tower stands; in the latter case, “Paris” denotes a particular person, i.e., Paris Hilton. Using the literal reification pattern it is possible to express descriptive tags as first class objects in OWL, by considering them as proper individuals of the class litre:Literal. Different individuals may thus represent different meanings even if their literal values are identical. |
Literal Reification/Scenario 2 | Literal Reification | NameHistory3.0 is a (fictional) institution that keeps track of all the names of people, and stores them as an ABox of the FOAF ontology. In particular, each person is stored as an individual of the class foaf:Person with a specific first name (data property foaf:givenName) and family name (data property foaf:familyName). On 24/09/2010, Bruce Wayne formally applied for changing his first name to Jack. Since NameHistory3.0 has to keep track of everything concerning names of people, on that date “Jack” was added as Mr. Wayne's first name. It was then that NameHistory3.0 noticed that, without any additional information, it is not possible to know which of the two first names are legally valid at any given point in time. A solution to that scenario, which avoids any modification of the ontology model and consequently of the entire triple store (operation that is obviously time-consuming and error-prone), is to use the literal reification pattern in combination with the new expressivity for punning in OWL 2. Through them, it is possible to define a literal individual as also belonging to the class foaf:givenName – that is actually defined as a data property, but may be additionally be meta-modelled as a class. We can now associate a particular time interval to each literal, so as to represent when the literal itself, i.e., the given name, is legally valid. |
SAREF4SYST/Scenario 1 | SAREF4SYST | In the Smart Energy domain, electric power systems can exchange electricity with other electric power systems. The electric energy can flow both ways in some cases (from the Public Grid to a Prosumer), or in only one way (from the Public Grid to a Load). Electric power systems can be made up of different sub-systems. Generic sub-types of electric power systems include producers, consumers, storage systems, transmission systems.
Electric power systems may be connected one to another at electrical connection points. An Electric power system may have multiple connection points (Multiple Winding Transformer generally have one single primary winding with two or more secondary windings). Generic sub-types of electrical connection points include plugs, sockets, direct-current, single-phase, three-phase, connection points. An Electrical connection may exist between two Electric power systems through two of their respective connection points. Generic sub-types of electrical connections include Single-phase Buses, Three-phase Buses. A single-phase electric power system can be connected using different configurations at a three-phase bus (phase~1-to-neutral, phase~2-to-neutral, phase~3-to-neutral). |
SAREF4SYST/Scenario 2 | SAREF4SYST | Buildings, Storeys, Spaces, are different sub-types of Zones. Zones can contain sub-zones. Zones can be adjacent or intersect with other zones. Two zones may share one or more connections. For example some fresh air may be created inside a storey if it has two controllable openings to the exterior at different cardinal points. Lifts have one or more openings, and evolve in a shaft. Storeys may have openings to the shaft. Both the lift openings and the storey openings may have doors that may be in an open or closed state. |
SAREF4SYST/Scenario 3 | SAREF4SYST | Smart devices contain microcontrollers with Input/Output ports and RadioFrequency (RF) communication modules of different kinds. Wired communication may be established between two devices directly, and between two or more devices through some bus. RF communication from a sender to receivers may be established at a certain radiofrequency, with each party powering its RF module at a certain level, and receivers having a relative measure of the Received Signal Strengh Indicator (RSSI) and Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR). |
SimpleOrAggregated/Scenario 1 | SimpleOrAggregated | Modelling simple and aggregated service providers within the mIO! ontology network. Service providers are also organized by types. |
SimpleOrAggregated/Scenario 2 | SimpleOrAggregated | Modelling simple and aggregated context sources within the mIO! ontology network. |
SimpleOrAggregated/Scenario 3 | SimpleOrAggregated | Modelling simple and aggregated resources. These resources are also organized by types, specifically, they can be computing or storage resources. |
Situation/Scenario 1 | Situation | I prepared a coffee with my heater, 300 ml of water, and an Arabica coffee mix. |
![]() | Scenarios should have their own page - to be created from the pattern's page working panel - as the ones listed in the table above.
In the meantime, the following table shows a list of values for the scenario property in the pages of the related pattern. |
Pattern | Scenario | Domains |
ActingFor | Matteo Sanvitale is working as an officer for CEMA s.r.l. | |
Action | The action of making coffee is dependent on the action of buying coffee. The action of making coffee is 'completed'. The consequence of making coffee is drinking coffee. I performed the action of making coffee between 9 and 9:05am this morning. I plan to make coffee tomorrow and then I plan to have breakfast. |
Product development Business General |
ActivitySpecification | This pattern is applicable for a wide range of scenarios. In essence for the formalization of any activity precondition/effect. For example: -My car must have gas (an manifestation of a specific vehicle should have gas) before I can drive to work (the manifestation should exist at some time before the drive to work activity occurs) -An effect of my driving to work is that I am at work and so is my car. |
Event Processing General |
Actuation-Actuator-Effect | A light switch has an impact on the luminosity when it is toggled | Internet of Things |
AffectedBy | A room (feature of interest) has a temperature (quality) and this temperature is affected by the air conditioner status by the number of people in the room and by the sun radiation that passes through the room’s windows. A basement (feature of interest) has a temperature (quality) that is affected by the air conditioner status by level of the basement’s relative humidity and by the quality of the thermal insulation of the walls. Room temperature and basement temperature are different qualities although both could be individuals of a Temperature subclass of Quality class. |
Building and Construction General |
AgentRole | She greeted us all in her various roles of mother friend and daughter. |
Management Organization Scheduling |
AlgorithmImplementationExecution | Consider a scenario in machine learning (ML) domain. The scenario deals with a machine learning task completion and it is based on an example derived from the OpenML portal (http://www.openml.org/). <br /> There is an ML Task <code>:task29</code> which is a supervised classification task defined on the dataset <code>:credit-a</code>. This task is achieved by the Execution <code>:run100241</code> which executes the Implementation <code>:wekaLogistic</code> of the Algorithm <code>:logisticRegression</code>. <br />The Implementation <code>:wekaLogistic</code> has five hyperparameters (Parameter): <code>:wekaLogisticC</code> <code>:wekaLogisticDoNotCheckCapabilities</code> <code>:wekaLogisticM</code> <code>:wekaLogisticOutputDebugInfo</code> <code>:wekaLogisticR</code>. The values of two of these hyperparameters are set. The hyper parameter <code>:wekaLogisticM</code> has value set to -1 (expressed via the ParameterSetting <code>:wekaLogisticMSetting29</code>) and the hyper parameter <code>:wekaLogisticR</code> that has its value set to <code>"1.0E-8"^^xsd:float</code> (expressed via the ParameterSetting <code>:wekaLogisticRSetting29</code>). <br /> The Execution <code>:run100241</code> has on Input the <code>:credit-a</code> dataset and the parameter settings and its Output is the ML model <code>:wekaLogisticModel100241</code>. |
General Software Software Engineering Workflow |
An Ontology Design Pattern for Activity Reasoning | Activity or task planning. Help find out which activities should be completed before other activities.Activity decomposition. Find out what are the sub-activities that constitute the super activity.Spatiotemporal queries. Find out the activities that happen at particular locations and time. | Workflow General |
AquaticResourceObservation | The aquatic resource for Skipjack tuna in Northern Atlantic in 2004 (as reported in 2008) was observed with low abundance level. | Fishery |
AquaticResources | give me the Species for water area 24; give me the Water areas for species Gadus morhua. | Fishery |
Bias Event Pattern | While the Bias Event ODP presented in this work is intended to be used with any machine learning pipeline our use case is motivated by the surge of fake news classification systems. |
Biological Entities | TestScenario1 TestScenario2 |
Biology Fishery |
Born Digital Archives | <ul><li>Series A has part file B.</li><li>Fonds C has part Series A.</li><li>File D has creator John Smith.</li></ul> | Archives |
Complaint Design Pattern | A complaint refers to the narrated facts of an agent grounded with a motive and a request through a specific medium (used to generate the complaint document) where evidence may support the facts |
General Law |
City Resident Pattern | The definition of Resident varies from city to city and country to country. We use as our use cases definitions of Resident as provided by four cities: Toronto Canada: “you are identified as a resident if you reside in own property or own or operate a business in Toronto” (311 Toronto). Beijing China: Beijing uses the Hukou system which is a household registration program that results in a government issued permit. Beijing residents are “all indi-viduals holding the nationality of the People’s Republic of China who [have]a domicile in Beijing and nowhere else. If the individual maintains a regular dwell-ing somewhere else the more regular dwelling is considered their place of resi-dence” (Li 1991). New York USA: a resident is defined by “Regulation 105.20 (d)(1)” which stipu-lates “the place which an individual intends to be his permanent home –the place to which he intends to return. It is the home with range of sentiment feeling and permanent association. One must be domiciled in New York and maintain a home in New York the time spent in the State is irrelevant” (McGladrey 2009). Germany: “a resident of Germany generally refers to an individual who has a dom-icile in Germany or spends more than six consecutive months in Germany (habitu-al place of abode)” (Seidel 2011). As different cities have different definitions of Resident the design pattern must con-tain the properties required by each. |
Smart City |
Classification | Mac OSX 10.5 is classified as an operating system in the Fujitsu-Siemens product catalog. | General |
ClimaticZone | Give me the resource observations where the zone is 'Tropical' | Fishery |
Co-participation | Mike and Greta had a great fun together Aldo Gangemi and Valentina Presutti co-participate at the ISWC 2007 conference. |
General |
Collection | My saxophone collection includes a Mark VI tenor a Balanced Action alto and a Conn Transitional bari. |
General |
CollectionEntity | The Louvre Aegyptian collection. | Parts and Collections |
CommunicationEvent | A sales call between John at company x and Mary at company y took place on January 7 2009. In the call John had the role of seller and Mary the role of buyer. The call was made in the context of the long-term relation between comanies x and y where x is the subcontractor of y. The purpose of the call was to agree on a price for a particular order item. In todays boardmeeting John was elected chairman of the meeting and Michael was appointed to take the minutes. The meeting involved 6 people where 5 were elected members of the board and one was an invited external party. The purpose of the meeting was to decide on the price of a new product. However the participants did not agree so the meeting had to be suspended and will continue tomorrow. |
Organization Business Planning Participation Product development |
Componency | The turbine is a proper part of the engine both are parts of a car. Furthermore the engine and the battery are proper parts of the car. |
Parts and Collections |
ComputationalEnvironment | The tool Wireshark was run on a particular computer in order to analyze network traffic. | Archives |
Computer System | <ul><li>The computer uses Ubuntu 16.04.</li><li>The graphics card requires driver A.</li><li>The software is compatible with Windows 10.</li><li>The processor is compatible with motherboard B.</li></ul> | General |
ConceptGroup | Used to describe whole vocabulary entity or vocabulary concepts subset. Compliant with RefSets in SNOMED-CT or themes in GEMET. | Parts and Collections Vocabulary |
ConceptTerms | Used for vocabulary representation. For example in Eurovoc(http://europa.eu/eurovoc/) a concept has a preferred term "social sciences" in english and a simple non preferred term (i.e. synonyms) "humanities" in the same language whereas the same concept has a preferred term "sciences sociales" in french and a simple non preferred term "sciences humaines" in this language. If we wanted to add a translation relation between terms we could state that "social sciences" english term is a translation of "sciences sociales" french term. If we consider a second preferred term in english "award" which names a concept in a particular information retrieval context we could define a coumpound non preferred term "social sciences awards" which is related to preferred terms "social sciences" and "award". |
Linguistic Vocabulary |
Constituency | Different types of wood constitute this table. | Parts and Collections |
Description in Range | # Scenario 1: In order to obtain the registered quality scheme PDO the wine "Amarone della Valpolicella" has to comply with a set of rules including grape composition rules. In particular it has to be made with a specific ampelographic composition that indicates the different types of grapes that contribute to form the wine together with their percentage ranges. In this case the "Amarone della Valpolicella" must be composed (among the others) by Corvina and Corvinone grapes from 45% to 95%. --- # Scenario 2: The policy document of "Parmigiano Reggiano" indicates that for consumers it presents a set of characteristics among which the "diameter of the plain faces" which must be within the range "35-45 cm" and the "external aspect" that should be "natural straw-coloured rind". |
DigitalVideo | <ul><li>The digital video is wrapped by an AVI container.</li><li>The digital video has duration 22 minutes.</li><li>The video stream is processed by the QuickTime codec.</li><li>The audio stream has bitrate 256 kbit/s.</li></ul> | Multimedia |
EventCore | The 1990 World Chess Championship Match takes place in New York from October 8 to November 7 1990 and in Lyons France from November 26 to December 30 1990. |
General Event Processing |
Experience & Observation | A letter or diary entry reports on the writer's experience when reading a book or listening to music | Humanities Social Science |
ExperimentalParadigmData | clinical data collection; brain imaging data collection; biology and molecular biology data collection; speech analysis data collection; motor assessment data collection | Healthcare |
FIEST-IoT | See paper R. Agarwal D. Fernandez T. Elsaleh A. Gyrard J. Lanza L. Sanchez N. Georgantas V. Issarny "Unified IoT Ontology to Enable Interoperability and Federation of Testbeds" 3rd IEEE World Forum on IoT pp. 70-75 Reston USA 12-14 December 2016. DOI: 10.1109/WF-IoT.2016.7845470 IEEE HAL |
IoT Internet of Things Interoperability |
Food Recipe Ingredient Substitution Ontology Design Pattern | When preparing a dish based on a given recipe the cook can make a substitution because he/she has no such particular ingredient at hand or has any dietary constraints due to health issues or other preferences. (The diet often implies specific nutrition intake for health or weight management or other reasons such as personal tastes or ethics.) For example a cooker is a vegetarian and what to cook a dish similar to minced meatballs but with vegan ingredients. The cooker can substitute the meat in the meatballs recipe with soya tofu. However it should be done with proper proportions and cooking conditions. Also the dietary effect such as nutrition values or technological effect are different. ; <br />Scenario 1: substitution due to lack of product. <br />Objective: In this scenario the substitute must replicate nutritional value i.e. also be a good source of fibre.<br />Description: Persona X decided to prepare risotto. However when preparing the dish she found that she had run out of brown rice. The recipe she used did not provide any information on the ingredient(s) with which the rice could be replaced. Furthermore Persona X has decided to eat healthily and wonders which possible rice substitute would meet her expectations i.e. would not only be technologically suitable but above all would be a good source of dietary fibre.<br /><br />Scenario 2: substitution due to the need to exclude a particular product for health reasons. <br />Objective: In this scenario the substitute must meet health requirements. <br />Description: Persona Y decided to make a dairy dessert with fruit for a birthday party. However it turned out that one of the guests had a diagnosed allergy to cow’s milk protein and nuts. In order not to completely abandon the idea of preparing a sweet snack Persona Y decided to replace the milk with another ingredient. Unfortunately she has no idea which product would make a good substitute for milk. Her husband has given her the idea that it could be an almond drink. However she is not convinced thatit would be a suitable replacement as the guest has a diagnosed nut allergy.<br /><br />Scenario 3: substitution due to the need to exclude a specific product for health reasons. <br />Objective: In this scenario the substitute must meet the technological requirements i.e.it must give the same sweetness to the dish as sugar. <br />Description: Persona Z is in the process of preparing baked cookies for a family gathering. However she finds out that one of the participants will be her grandmother -type 2 diabetes. Therefore she decided not to use added sugar in the baked goods.Unfortunately the younger guests would not appreciate cookies without sugar ’s sweet taste. So Persona Z wondered what she could do to replace the sugar in the cookies to keep them sweet. Admittedly her sister has suggested that erythritol is a popularsugar substitute in recent times. However two doubts remained to be resolved: (1) will erythritol not lose its sweetness during baking (2) in what ratio to replace sugar with erythritol to get similar sweetness? |
General Event Processing Food |
GO Top | A 'template for synthesis of G-rich strand of telomere DNA activity' must be part of a 'telomerase activity' All 'templates for synthesis of G-rich strand of telomere DNA activity' are 'molecular functions' |
Biology |
GearSpecies | give me the gears targeting species 'tuna'; give me the gears which incidentally catch species 'dolphins'; give me the species caught using 'bottom gillnets' | |
GearVessel | give me the vesseltypes that use 'trawls' | Fishery |
GearWaterArea | in which water areas are 'bottom gillnets'? | Fishery |
Gesture Interaction | This pattern is applicable for a wide range of scenarios in gesture interaction systems. For example: Consider a user who uses a certain gesture to turn on their personal air conditioner. If this user visits a hotel room with an air conditioner of a different model that carries different interactions how can the system accommodate the user's preferred gesture and let the user continue as in their own room without having to read instructions. This ontology pattern will help to model parsonlised gesture details. Further online search engines currently do not provide sufficient information for gesture related semantics. For example search query to retrieve ‘gestures to turn on a TV’ would not provide relevant gesture vocabularies supported by different vendors. Designers/developers have to find individual studies separately and read/learn necessary data manually. Being able to retrieve semantics of gestures which are related to the affordance of ‘turn on a TV’ would be convenient for designers and developers in such situations. |
Gesture Interaction Gesture Internet of Things (IoT) |
HasPest | Bugs are pests for humans gundy bug is a pest for rice |
Agriculture |
HazardousSituation | The farmer is spraying pesticides on the fields. He asked a student working on a farm for help in carrying pesticide sprayers and storage containers. In this situation neither the farmer nor the student is wearing any personal protective equipment such as gloves or using any respirators. After 4 hours of spraying the student developed skin irritation. |
General Event Processing Participation |
Information realization | The book of the "Divina Commedia". | Semiotics |
IntensionExtension | 'Leonardo da Vinci' is the name of the main Rome airport 'Legal Person' means an incorporated entity with legal status. |
General Semiotics |
Invoice | An invoice refers to transactions related to an ordered item for a certain amount of currency and is grounded in a (legally valid) document. |
Business |
LCA Pattern | The proposed ontology design pattern 1 is meant to form a common core for the semantic description of key elements of life cycle inventories. A solar panel example: assessing the impacts of operating a solar array goes beyond the pure manufacturing and assembly of the photovoltaic modules. It also includes transportation emissions installation emissions operation emissions and the final disposal emissions. Such assessment first requires the gathering of all relevant data from different sources into a so-called Life Cycle Inventory (LCI) followed by the actual assessment of the environmental impacts based on the gathered data used models and the literature. Understanding the complex impact of products is crucial for arriving at and maintaining a sustainable world where human needs are met without causing harm to the environment or impacting the ability of future generations to meet their needs. |
LicenseLinkedDataResources | Declaring rights on both Linked Open Data and Linked Closed Data | Linked Data Lincense |
Literal Reification | Modelling domains concerning descriptive tags in which each tag may have more than one meaning depending on the context in which it is used. Extending quickly the capabilities of a model by adding the possibility to make assertions on values previously referred through data properties without modifying it. |
General |
Material Transformation | A pile of wood is transformed into ash by burning. Emboddied energy involved in the process of mixing aggregate water cement and other binders to create concrete. Materials required to construct a manufactured artifact such as a window (glass wood aluminum). |
Manufacturing Chemistry Workflow Ecology |
Metonymy-species-commodity | Yellowfin tuna is provided as fresh or chilled food commodity | Fishery |
ModifiedHazardousSituation | A person who is lactose intolerant (a susceptibility) exposes herself to a hazard (eating ice cream) and experiences a consequence (stomach ache). | |
Nary Participation | The match lasted 95 minutes and the winner used a new nano-carbon racquet. |
General |
NewsReportingEvent | A single actual event bus drivers protest is presented in to different media: a TV news stationand a news website. John Doe prepared the material for the station Channel 55 owned by Media Corp.This material was presented as first material in a news programme on 16/07/2016 started at 19:30 and ended at 19:35.It was based on correspondent report. The material said that the cause of the protest was malfunction of buses and that a brutal police intervention took place.The article from website livingintheworld.com also mentioned malfunction of buses but it also mentionedother cause of protest: planned reduction of social benefits. It did not mention brutal police intervention but it did mention destruction of public property. The article seems not important for the website authors it was presented at the page bottom. |
Event Processing Media Social Science |
OOPMetrics | Find if a class (or which class) is a God Class based on it's metrics. Gaseste daca o clasa (sau care clasa) se inscrie in anti-sablonul "God Class" pe baza metricilor ei. |
Software Engineering |
Object with states | A sample scenario is the following. A software defect created in an issue tracker must have a creator and be associated to a certain software product. Once it is checked that the defect is reproducible it must be assigned to some developer and have a certain priority. However before checking the defect reproducilibty the defect must not have either asignee or priority. |
General |
Objectrole | This old glass is used as a flower pot. | General |
Observation | The aquatic species 'Skipjack tuna' was observed in 2004 having the exploitation state 'fully exploited' in the climatic zone 'tropical' at the vertical distance 'pelagic'. | General Science |
PartOf | Brain and heart are parts of the human body substantia nigra is part of brain. |
Parts and Collections |
ParticipantRole | John was elected the meeting secretary of today's board meeting. During the party we used the blue cup as a vase. | General Organization |
Participation | Aldo Gangemi participated in the premiere of La Dolce Vita. | General |
PeriodicInterval | Sam teaches every monday | Time |
Place | The Colosseum is located in Rome. | General |
Policy | <ul><li>The policy has two subpolicies.</li><li>The policy is implemented by a certain process.</li><li>The policy is validated by a certain process.</li><li>The policy is assigned to John Smith.</li><li>The policy is fully automated.</li></ul> | General |
Pollution | 1. Which pollutant sources contribute to a wind stream which flows into a place? 2. What was the precipitation level on 23rd April at a particular location? 3. What locations have an AQI beyond a certain threshold in a certain region in a given month? | |
Reactor pattern | As an exemplifier for the reactor pattern we present a use case fromthe domain of algal biomass. We employ the reactor pattern in anontology OntoMDL. The ontology models a process for algal biomasscultivation. OntoMDL implements the Minimum DescriptiveLanguage(MDL) standard prescribed by the AlgalBiomass Organisation(ABO) for algal operation. The set of descriptivemetrics recommended by MDL as inputs to the process are carbon water total infrastructure area total energy nutrients consumables andlabour. Possible outputs from the process are algal constituentproducts indirect algal products uncaptured gas emission liquidwaste output solid waste output. Some environmental conditions thatmust hold for the algae to be harvested are (1)The water must be in a temperature range that will support the specific algal species being grown.(2)The pH range for most cultured algal species should be between 7 and 9 with the optimum range being 8.2-8.7.The event that triggers of the algae cultivation is the addition of the source culture to the growing containers or reactors. |
RecurrentEventSeries | Umbria Jazz is a collection of events which all take place in July and in the Italian region of Umbria and has the musical genre jazz as a topic. Its events recur at regular time periods i.e. annually. |
RecurrentSituationSeries | Umbria Jazz is a collection of situations which all take place in July and in the Italian region of Umbria and has the musical genre jazz as a topic. Its situations recur at regular time periods i.e. annually. |
General |
ReportingEvent | Two History professors have different opinion about the same actual event. The exemplary actual event is baptism of prince Mieszko I. The baptism exact place is a subject to historical debate. According to professor Hanna Kóčka-Krenz the likely place was Poznań. She bases her claim on Poznań excavations that she conducted. However the late professor Labuda pointed to Lednica Holm. He also based his claims on the local excavations but also on historical annals. | General Event Processing |
ReportingNewsEvent | A single actual event bus drivers protest is presented in to different media: a TV news station and a news website. John Doe prepared the material for the station Channel 55 owned by Media Corp. This material was presented as first material in a news programme on 16/07/2016 started at 19:30 and ended at 19:35. It was based on correspondent report. The material said that the cause of the protest was malfunction of buses and that a brutal police intervention took place. The article from website livingintheworld.com also mentioned malfunction of buses but it also mentioned other cause of protest: planned reduction of social benefits. It did not mention brutal police intervention but it did mention destruction of public property. The article seems not important for the website authors it was presented at the page bottom. |
Event Processing Media Social Science |
ResourceAbundanceObservation | Give me the resource observations for the year 2004 Give me the resource observations where the abundance level is 'Low abundance' | Fishery |
ResourceExploitationObservation | Give me the resource observations for the year 2004 Give me the resource observations where the exploitation rate is 'Moderate fishing mortality' Give me the resource observations where the state is 'fully exploited' | Fishery |
Role task | Students have the duty of giving exams | Organization Management Scheduling |
SimpleOrAggregated | A service provider can be simple or be an aggregate of a set of service providers. A context source can be simple or be an aggregate of a set of context sources. A computing or storage resource can be simple or be an aggregate of a set of computing or storage resources. | Parts and Collections |
Situation | The lecture was held in January 1921 by Bela Fleck with some physicians in the audience making questions in a very relaxed athmosphere. |
General |
Smart City Strategy Design | strategies design or planning; problem analysis decision-making |
Smart City |
SmartHome FeatureOfInterest | A feature of interest can be "the pressure sensed on the couch" or "the electric-current of the TV". | |
Spatial Graph Adapter (SGA) | IFC GBXML and CityGML (current work) |
Http://ontologydesignpatterns.org/wiki/Community:Building and Construction |
SpatioTemporalExtent | The World Chess Championship Match 1990 was held in two parts: New York (October 8 to November 7) and Lyons - France (November 26 to December 30).The Renaissance occured in different places at different times.A hurricane moves through the spacetime. | Earth Science or Geoscience General |
SpeciesBathymetry | give me the species found below 200 metres for water area '24' | |
SpeciesConditions | give me the species found below 200 metres for water area '24'; give me the species having a 'demersal' habitat in water area '24' | |
SpeciesConservation | Give me the species for which conservation status contains 'Vulnerable'; Give me the species for which conservation status is 'vulnerable'; Give me the conservation status for species 'Ostrica gigas | |
SpeciesEat | What species eat 'shrimp'; What species are eaten by 'seals' | |
SpeciesHabitat | give me the species having a 'demersal' habitat in water area '24' | |
SpeciesNames | give me the species containing local name 'oyster'; give me the synonyms and localnames for species 'Ostrica gigas'; give me the species with which species 'Ostrica gigas' can be confused | |
Standard Enforcer Pattern | As an exemplifier for SEP we present a use case from the domain of algal biomass production which depicts the application of SEP to an ontology that models algal biomass production. The Minimum Descriptive Language (MDL) standard proposed by the Algal Biomass Association is enforced by the production operation. MDL recommends a set of descriptive metrics to uniformly characterise the analysis of large scale algal operations. In this use case the ontology defines the concepts and relationships for the operation and incorporates SEP by enforcing a guideline for measuring Carbon input to the operation. |
Tagging | A Flickr picture showing a leopard tagged with the Tag 'leopard' A Flickr picture showing a boy surfing with a sombrero hat tagged with the Tag 'cool' A Flickr picture tagged as 'taken in Sicily' |
General Web2.0 DocumentManagement |
TaskExecution | She smiled at us so obtaining the effect of making us feeling positive. |
Organization Management Scheduling Workflow |
Time indexed participation | This morning I've prepared my coffee and had my fingers burnt The football match lasted only ten minutes for Totti |
General |
TimeIndexedPartOf | My Toyota Yaris mounted Michelin pneumatics in 2007 but in 2008 it mounts Pirelli pneumatics. |
Parts and Collections |
TimeIndexedSituation | Mustafa's address in 2005 was in Brussels | General |
TimeInterval | The time interval “January 2008” starts at 2008−01−01 and ends at and ends at 2008−01−31. | Time |
TimePeriod | A time period of 1 year elapses between two consecutive editions of Umbria Jazz Festival. | Time |
Topic | "The topic of Moby Dick is the hatred of humanity" "What is the main subjects in neswpapers today? And more specifically?" |
General |
Trajectory | Mike's trip to the GeoVoCamp 2012 from his home integrating data from GPS device vehicle information and personal information.A toucan flies through the air as recorded by researchers in the MoveBank.The 1990 World Chess Championship event that was held in two locations at two different times. |
General Earth Science or Geoscience |
Transition | The addition of Bud Powell on piano made the tune jump from a static aerial comping into a hard driving swing improvisation |
General Workflow Manufacturing |
VerticalDistribution | Give me the resource observations where the vertical distribution is 'Pelagic' | |
VesselSpecies | give me the species caught using 'gillneters' | Fishery |
VesselWaterArea | in which water areas are 'gillneters' used? |