Training:Ontology Design with the NeOn Toolkit - NeOn tutorial
From Odp
Title: | Ontology Design with the NeOn Toolkit - NeOn tutorial |
Author(s): | ValentinaPresutti, EvaBlomqvist, AldoGangemi, MariCarmenDeFigueroa, MichaelErdmann, AlessandroAdamou, BorisVillazón-Terrazas |
To make participants able to develop ontologies from requirements to design, to evaluation by using NeOn technologies.
Brief description
This training course is design for 3 days training, and focuses on NeOn technologies. The content can be described in terms of three main slots: (i) a general introduction to semantic technologies and ontology design, to the languages used for representing data and ontologies (RDF and OWL); and to NeOn methodologies and tools; (ii) the pattern-based approach to ontology design in OWL; (iii) a mini-project in which participants, divided into groups, will move from requirements to design and evaluation.
- Ontology Design with the NeOn Toolkit - NeOn tutorial/Mini-project
- Ontology Design with the NeOn Toolkit - NeOn tutorial/Units 1 3-1 4: Basic OWL ontology design
Contents |
- NeOn training at FAO June 9th-11th
Day 1
Part 1: General introduction to Networked Ontologies and NeOn; 3:00h (presentation and hands-on, by CNR+Ontoprise)
- 09:00 [Unit 1.0] Presentation of tutors and trainees. 15’
- 09:15 [Unit 1.1] Computational ontologies (CNR): what they are and when to use them: brief introduction and hands-on with semantic tools; what is NeOn + question time. Hands-on Firefox. 30’
- 09:45 [Unit 1.2] The NeOn Toolkit (Ontoprise): Basics of NTK. Hands-on NTK. 15’
- 10:00 [Unit 1.3] Basic OWL ontology design Part 1 (CNR+Ontoprise): OWL tutorial (logic and reasoning) on NTK + question time. Hands-on NTK, NTK plugins. 45’
- 10:45 Coffee break
- 11:15 [Unit 1.4] Basic OWL ontology design Part 2 (CNR+Ontoprise): OWL tutorial (logic and reasoning) on NTK + question time. Hands-on NTK, NTK plugins. 75’
- 12:30 Lunch break
Part 2: NeOn Methodology with NTK demonstrations; 3:00h (presentation and hands-on, by UPM+CNR)
- 14:30 [Unit 2.1] Facilitated access to NTK functionalities with Kali-ma (CNR): selecting and accessing plugins, and questionnaire for user evaluation. Hands-on NTK, NTK plugins. 30’
- 15:00 [Unit 2.2] NeOn Glossary of Activities, scenarios for building ontology networks, and ontology lifecycle models (UPM). 40’
- 15:40 Coffee break
- 16:10 [Unit 2.3] Methodological guidelines for the following activities (UPM). Hands-on NTK with gOntt, Watson, and LabelTranslator plugins: 110’
- Scheduling (how to decide a particular ontology network lifecycle)
- Ontology Specification
- Ontological Resource Reuse
- Non-Ontological Resource Reuse and Reengineering
- Preliminary guidelines for ontology localization
Day 2
Part 3: Pattern-based Ontology Design in OWL; 5:00h (presentation and hands-on, by CNR+UPM+Ontoprise)
- 09:00 [Unit 3.1] Introduction to ontology design patterns and pattern-based design (CNR). Brief lecture. 20’
- 09:20 [Unit 3.1] Logical patterns (CNR): brief introduction and hands-on with solving advanced representation problems. Hands-on NTK. 60’
- 10:20 [Unit 3.2] Content patterns Part 1 (CNR): brief introduction and hands-on with solving content modeling issues by reusing material. Hands-on NTK and XD plugins. 25’
- 10:45 Coffee break
- 11:15 [Unit 3.3] Content patterns Part 2 (CNR): brief introduction and hands-on with solving content modeling issues by reusing material. Hands-on NTK and XD plugins. 75’
- 12:30 Lunch break
- 14:30 [Unit 3.3] Design architecture for modular ontologies (CNR): brief introduction and hands-on with dividing the modeling space of an ontology project into modules. Hands-on NTK with Modularization plugins. 40’
- 15:10 [Unit 3.4] NOR Re-engineering Method (based on patterns) (UPM). Lecture. 15’
- 15:25 [Unit 3.5] ODEMapster (demo included) (UPM). Hands-on NTK with ODEMapster plugins. 25’
- 15:50 Coffee break
- 16:20 [Unit 3.6] Reengineering patterns (CNR): segmenting and providing usable semantics to thesauri with OWL and SKOS. Lecture and hands-on with NTK and Modularization plugins. 40’
Day 3
Part 4: Mini-project; 5:00h (hands-on, assisted by CNR+UPM+Ontoprise)
- 9:00 [Unit 4.1] Trainees split into pairs, read a set of requirements (in the fishery domain) and transform them into competency questions. 60’
- 10:00 [Unit 4.2] Finding reusable resources. 60’
- 11:00 [Unit 4.3] Applying pattern-based design and evaluation. 120’
- 13:00 Lunch break
- 14:30 [Unit 4.4] Discussing alternative solutions. 60’
Unit time here is indicative, since each pair can apply different priorities and can perform differently
Part 5: Summary, Questions; 1:00h (15:30)