Training:PhD Course on Computational Ontologies @ University of Bologna 2011/Ontology Testing
From Odp
Tutorial | Training:PhD Course on Computational Ontologies @ University of Bologna 2011 |
Title | Ontology Testing |
The aim of ontology testing is to make sure that the ontology actually fulfills its requirements, both concrete functional requirements (such as the CQs and any reasoning requirements) and non-functional requirements, e.g. quality attributes. This exercise puts you in the role of the "tester", who should verify the requirements and find any mistakes or problems in the ontology.
For this exercise your will be divided into two groups. The goal of both groups is to find as many mistakes, or problems, as possible in a set of ontologies. However, in order to have a more interesting discussion after the exercise, you will do it in two different ways. One group gets to invent their own testing methods, while the other group gets to try out three specific methods. After the exercise we will compare the results, discuss, and of course both groups will get an introduction to all the methods.
Each group finds all the instructions needed when clicking on the respective link below (but please click only on the link for the group you belong to below).
Instructions for the group applying testing ideas freely
Instructions for the group applying a given set of testing methods