Testing Exercise - document your work on methods used
Number | Requirement tested | Method used | Test applied | Error(s) found | Suggestions/ideas for solution | Additional notes
0 | | only for students exercising with method guidelines | | | |
1 | CQ1 | Unit test | SELECT ?person ?instrument WHERE { ?instrument :instrumentPlayedBy ?person . } | | |
2 | Contextual statement 1: A recorded album has one or more genres | Reasoning | Inspection of class restrictions | OK | -- |
3 | Contextual statement 2: A track has only one genre | Reasoning | Inspection of class restrictions | OK | -- |
4 | Contextual statement 3: A track realizes only one song | Reasoning | Inspection of class restrictions | The cardinality of the Track-Song relationship has cardinality 1 or more. | A simple cardinality change is enough |
5 | Contextual statement 4: Each band and each person is associated to at least one name | Reasoning | Inspection of class restrictions | The data property hasName does not have Person as a Domain | Changing the hasName property is sufficient |
4 | Reasoning requirement 1 | Performing inferences | I created an instance of a track with genre "indie" | The reasoner could not infer the fact that a certain band is associated to some genre based on the genre of a track. The problem is due to the fact that there is no property relating Band and Track | A property relating Band and Track must be added. |
5 | Reasoning requirement 2 | Performing inferences | I created an instance of an Album and two instances of Track with genre "indie" and "funk_rock" that are in included in the Album. | The reasoner could not infer the fact that the Album fooAlbum has genre "indie" and "funk_rock" based on the genre of the tracks it contains. The problem is due to the fact that there is no property relating Band and Track | |