Training:PhD Course on Computational Ontologies @ University of Bologna 2011/Ontology Testing/NicoloNavarin
From Odp
Number | Requirement tested | Method used | Test applied | Error(s) found | Suggestions/ideas for solution | Additional notes |
0 | CQ1 | 1 |
SELECT ?p ?strument WHERE { ?p a :Person . ?p :playsInstrument ?strument } | none | none | none |
1 | CQ2 | 1 |
SELECT ?p ?band ?year_start ?year_end ?strument WHERE { ?p a mi:Person . ?band a mi:Band . ?timeindex a mi:TimeIndexedMembership . ?timeindex mi:band ?band . ?timeindex mi:member ?p . ?timeindex mi:membershipStartDate ?year_start . ?timeindex mi:membershipEndDate ?year_end . ? p mi:bassPlayerOf } ... no way to express | no way to express the role of a person |
design pattern : ObjectRole | |
2 | RR1 |
2 |
created an instance of Track and of an album. Track is in that album. Defined the genre of track, album genre is not inferred by the reasoner. |
Reasoners don't infer album genre. Possible error. | ||
3 | input of inchoerent data | stress test | Assign a genre to an object that should not have a genre | Everything can have a genre (a guitar). | Make various versions of genre relationship with specific domains, one for tracks, one for albums.. |