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First name Al
Last name Paton
Email address -
Personal web site -
Organization SoonToBeDeclared
Organization type Professional Organization
Organization web site
Country Australia (AU)
Role in the organization Developer


Main motivation for joining ODP community: 1. I'm an (aspiring) Software Developer and have contributed (in a small part) to the (developing) ValueFlows Ontology 2. I've been asked a question which requires me to do a mapping and comparison task. 3. The current topics are measurements & dimensions where (I believe) much has already been defined in foundational ontologies. 4. I'm currently stumbling around with my task and seeking to learn how I can proceed effectively. 5. I've found great value in applying the basic patterns to my (pubescent) software and I anticipate similar gains are possible with ontological patterns. 6. As well as me learning, I hope to pass my learnings on to the ValueFlows community.

Possible main contribution to ODP community: To have some help to solve modeling problems

Domains of interest:

Is expert of:

How did I know about ODP: surfing the web

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