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First name Jim
Last name Salmons
Email address -
Personal web site
Organization and The Softalk Apple Project
Organization type Educational Training and Research Institution
Organization web site
Country United States United States (US)
Role in the organization Researcher


Main motivation for joining ODP community: I am an unaffiliated, independent #CitizenScientist and digital preservation historian based in Broomfield, Colorado USA doing applied research at the intersection of #DigitalHumanities & #CognitiveComputing as part of my post-cancer #PayItForward Bonus Rounds. I am a former executive consultant in IBM's Object Technology Practice where I was a lead in a skunkworks doing pattern-based metamodel-derived "executable business model" frameworks in Smalltalk. I am applying insights of this 1990's work to my development of the MAGAZINE #GTS (Ground-Truth Storage) format based on an ontological "stack" of #cidocCRM/FRBRoo/PRESSoo. I _really_ want to join this group and, hopefully, become a member of the ODP association. I have excellent domain professional references who are mentor/collaborators at PRImA (U. Salford), eTRAP (U. Gottingen), and LAREX (U. Wurzburg), etc. if needed. I am also a member of the #cidocCRM SIG among other Digital Humanities, cultural preservation, and citizen science organizations and/or professional networks (as part of my #PLN, personal learning network).

BTW, an image of my #DATeCH2017 poster is here:!AtML1v0eUlpEgoAVgZdKQDW7kb3wgw. I also served on the Program Committee (as a means -- provided by my PRImA/eTRAP mentors -- for my free access to the latest research papers in the domains of my interest).

Thank you for your consideration.

Happy-Healthy Vibes, -: Jim :-

Possible main contribution to ODP community: To have some help to solve modeling problems, To help other users to solve modeling problems

Domains of interest:

Is expert of:

How did I know about ODP: colleagues, surfing the web

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