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First name John
Last name Yanosy Jr
Email address -
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Organization Network Centric Operations Industry Consortium NCOIC
Organization type Professional Organization
Organization web site
Country United States United States (US)
Role in the organization Researcher


Main motivation for joining ODP community: As Chair Emeeritus of the Specialized Frameworks team and the Semantic Interoperability Working Group of the NCOIC and as a participant in the Federal SICOP Semantic Interoperability Community of Practicce: has provided me the opportunity to research, develop, and propose architectural frameworks and patterns for Interoperabilit solutions for Systems of Systems and Networked organizations and operatiions. I intend to continue my research and propose new patterns as well as comment on those in this site. I look forward to collaborating with this larger community.

Possible main contribution to ODP community: To have some help to solve modeling problems, To help other users to solve modeling problems

Domains of interest:

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How did I know about ODP: surfing the web

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