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HasIntent This property describes the goal of the Ontology Design Pattern. Its value is of type Text.

This property is a subproperty of PatternProblem

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Pages using the property "HasIntent"

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Disposition +This pattern allow the representation of non-probabilistic dispositions with unique triggering and realization process types.


EEP +To represent executions made by executors To represent executions made by executors that implement procedures. Executions are events like observations or actuations. Executors are systems like sensors or actuators that produce executions. Executors implement procedures to carry out their goals. Executions and executors are taken over features of interest and their intrinsic properties/qualities. and their intrinsic properties/qualities.
EthnicGroup +To represent the encyclopedic knowledge expressed by an object typed as EthnicGroup
EventCore +The purpose of this pattern is to provide The purpose of this pattern is to provide a minimalistic model of event where it is not always possible to separate its spatial and the temporal aspects, thus can model events that move or possess discontinuous temporal extent. Events according to this model has at least one participant, attached via a participant-role, and may have additional descriptive information through its information object. nformation through its information object.
EventProcessing +To model event objects (in the context of To model event objects (in the context of complex event processing), their attributes, and their relations actual events, and sensor readings producing the events. Different types of event objects, such as complex, composite, and simple events are modelled, preoperties for expressing relations between event objects, such as constituency and componency are expressed, and attributes of event objects, such as timestamps and other data values. This pattern is aligned both to the SSN (Semantic Sensor Network) ontology, and the Event-F model, which in turn both use DUL as an upper layer. ch in turn both use DUL as an upper layer.
Experience & Observation +to represent the epistemological "missing to represent the epistemological "missing link" between a cognitive activity, e.g. the interaction with a cultural object, and any evidence of the effects this activity has on the individuals that are engaged with it; what can collectively be considered as an experience. llectively be considered as an experience.
ExperimentalParadigmData +to provide a minimal pattern for the integration and exploration of data from heterogeneous experimental paradigms in the biomedical domain
ExplanationODP +Describing the process and components of an explanation in different disciplines.


FIEST-IoT +See paper R. Agarwal, D. Fernandez, T. Els See paper R. Agarwal, D. Fernandez, T. Elsaleh, A. Gyrard, J. Lanza, L. Sanchez, N. Georgantas, V. Issarny, "Unified IoT Ontology to Enable Interoperability and Federation of Testbeds", 3rd IEEE World Forum on IoT, pp. 70-75, Reston, USA, 12-14 December 2016. DOI: 10.1109/WF-IoT.2016.7845470, IEEE, HAL OI: 10.1109/WF-IoT.2016.7845470, IEEE, HAL
Faceted Classification Scheme +Ontological representation of a specific domain concept conceptualized using a Faceted Classification Scheme (FCS).
Food Recipe Ingredient Substitution Ontology Design Pattern +To model substitutes for ingredients in fo To model substitutes for ingredients in food recipes. Essential aspects of modelling substitutes are their quantity in a recipe, the constraints and the qualitative and quantitative conditions for the substitutions, and other nutrition values, e.g. containing a number of calories or technological effects, and substitution objectives. The pattern should allow to represent different types of food substitutes in recipes, and recipe process, and overall notion of food substitution. , and overall notion of food substitution.


GO Top +To represent types of gene-related entities and their parts.
GearSpecies +to represent types of fishing gear with respect to the aquatic species they either are targeted to catch or can accidentally catch
GearVessel +to represent types of fishing gear with regard to the types of vessel they can be mounted on
GearWaterArea +to represent gear types in terms of the water areas where they can be employed to collect aquatic resources
Gesture Interaction +The Gesture Interaction Pattern aims to mo The Gesture Interaction Pattern aims to model the pose and movement of human body that are used to interact with devices (particularly with device affordances). This helps to describe a human gesture with its relationship between certain device affordances, related body parts and the temporal components associated with those. This might be helpful in creating user specific gesture profiles. This ontology pattern is geared at mapping the ubiquitousness in gesture vocabularies by linking them appropriately and does not enforce designers and manufacturers to follow a standard. rs and manufacturers to follow a standard.


HasPest +Define the relationship between a concept and an organism which has characteristics that are regarded by other organisms as injurious or unwanted. Generally causing damages.
HazardousSituation +To model hazardous situations and their associated hazardous events with events' participating objects and the hazards the objects are exposed to with the exposure value.
HistoricalMap +The ontology's intent is to describe a historical map and its attributes.


Information realization +To represent information objects and their physical realization.
InformationObjectsAndRepresentationLanguages +-
IntensionExtension +To represent the meaning of an information object: the concepts it expresses, the things it is about.
Interest +Used for capturing the interest of a user, as well as capturing the provenance of interest predictions.
Invoice +To represent the core attributes of an invoice


LCA Pattern +Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) studies the en Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) studies the environmental impact of products taking into account their entire life-span and production chain. This ontology design pattern specifies key aspects of LCA/LCI data models, namely the notions of flows, activities, agents, and products, as well as their properties. and products, as well as their properties.
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