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Scenario This property is used for describing examples of instantiation of the Content OP. For example, for the part of Content OP (which represents part-whole relations) a possible scenario is the sentence: "the brain is part of the human body". Scenarios are expressed as natural language sentences. The value of this property is of type Text.

This property is a subproperty of PatternProblemExample.

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Pages using the property "Scenario"

Showing 25 pages using this property.


ParticipantRole +John was elected the meeting secretary of today's board meeting. During the party we used the blue cup as a vase.
Participation +Aldo Gangemi participated in the premiere of La Dolce Vita.
PeriodicInterval +Sam teaches every monday
PharmaceuticalProducts Composition +The Pharmaceutical product "Espidifen 600 mg" has the following composition: As active ingredient: 600mg Ibuprofen Other ingredients or excipients: 30 mg Aspartamo (E951), 1, 340 g Sucrose,
Place +The Colosseum is located in Rome.
Policy +<ul><li>The policy has two sub <ul><li>The policy has two subpolicies.</li><li>The policy is implemented by a certain process.</li><li>The policy is validated by a certain process.</li><li>The policy is assigned to John Smith.</li><li>The policy is fully automated.</li></ul> is fully automated.</li></ul>
Pollution +1. Which pollutant sources contribute to a wind stream which flows into a place? 2. What was the precipitation level on 23rd April at a particular location? 3. What locations have an AQI beyond a certain threshold in a certain region in a given month?
Process Specification Language (PSL) +Software exchanging process information between a planner and a scheduler
Property Reification Vocabulary +Ontology mapping


QUDT: Quantities, Units, Dimensions and Types +A spacecraft is landing on mars and needs to know the right units to judge distance.


Reactor pattern +As an exemplifier for the reactor pattern, we present a use case fromthe domain of al we present a use case fromthe domain of algal biomass. We employ the reactor pattern in anontology OntoMDL. The ontology models a process for algal biomasscultivation. OntoMDL implements the Minimum DescriptiveLanguage(MDL) standard prescribed by the AlgalBiomass Organisation(ABO) for algal operation. The set of descriptivemetrics recommended by MDL as inputs to the process are carbon by MDL as inputs to the process are carbon, water,
Recommendation Ontology +Federated Recommendations
RecurrentEventSeries +Umbria Jazz is a collection of events, which all take place in July and in the Italian region of Umbria, and has the musical genre jazz as a topic. Its events recur at regular time periods,
RecurrentSituationSeries +Umbria Jazz is a collection of situations, which all take place in July and in the Italian region of Umbria, and has the musical genre jazz as a topic. Its situations recur at regular time periods,
ReportingEvent +Two History professors have different opin Two History professors have different opinion about the same actual event. The exemplary actual event is baptism of prince Mieszko I. The baptism exact place is a subject to historical debate. According to professor Hanna Kóčka-Krenz the likely place was Poznań. She bases her claim on Poznań excavations that she conducted. However the late professor Labuda pointed to Lednica Holm. He also based his claims on the local excavations but also on historical annals. excavations but also on historical annals.
ReportingNewsEvent +A single actual event, bus drivers protest, is presented in to different media: a TV news station and a news website. John Doe prepared the material for the station Channel 55,
ResourceAbundanceObservation +Give me the resource observations for the year 2004 Give me the resource observations where the abundance level is 'Low abundance'
ResourceExploitationObservation +Give me the resource observations for the year 2004 Give me the resource observations where the exploitation rate is 'Moderate fishing mortality' Give me the resource observations where the state is 'fully exploited'
Role task +Students have the duty of giving exams


SimpleOrAggregated +A service provider can be simple or be an A service provider can be simple or be an aggregate of a set of service providers. A context source can be simple or be an aggregate of a set of context sources. A computing or storage resource can be simple or be an aggregate of a set of computing or storage resources. f a set of computing or storage resources.
Situation +The lecture was held in January 1921 by Bela Fleck, with some physicians in the audience making questions, in a very relaxed athmosphere.
Smart City Strategy Design +strategies design or planning; problem analysis, decision-making
Smart Product Description Object (SPDO) +"Anna has dry skin and searches for a vanishing crème in a shop. She wants to take a look at the crèmes that are right for her, so she asks all products in the store for so she asks all products in the store for a solution to her specific skin problem. Six vanishing crèmes give notice that they want to solve her problem because they are suitable for dry skin. Anna goes to the crème closest to her and initiates a dialogue with the intelligent product. She asks for the features of the crème and finds out that the crème is a gel-based moisturizer. Furthermore me is a gel-based moisturizer. Furthermore, she wants to know about the ingredients and the fragrance. Then,
SmartHome FeatureOfInterest +A feature of interest can be "the pressure sensed on the couch" or "the electric-current of the TV".
SnomedCTToOWL +A commercial drug is part of a clinical drug
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