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Pages using the property "ContentODPDescription"

Showing 25 pages using this property.


ExperimentalParadigmData +a set of relations based on invariants of the experimental scientific method, oriented towards temporal representation and data representation
ExplanationODP +Explanation


FIEST-IoT +See paper R. Agarwal, D. Fernandez, T. Els See paper R. Agarwal, D. Fernandez, T. Elsaleh, A. Gyrard, J. Lanza, L. Sanchez, N. Georgantas, V. Issarny, "Unified IoT Ontology to Enable Interoperability and Federation of Testbeds", 3rd IEEE World Forum on IoT, pp. 70-75, Reston, USA, 12-14 December 2016. DOI: 10.1109/WF-IoT.2016.7845470, IEEE, HAL OI: 10.1109/WF-IoT.2016.7845470, IEEE, HAL
Food Recipe Ingredient Substitution Ontology Design Pattern +The substitute ingredients ontology design The substitute ingredients ontology design pattern provides a building block for modelling substitutions in recipes where one or more ingredients are processed to prepare a dish (the effect of the recipe). The ingredients, substitutes, and the effected dish have dietary constraints, effects, and other features. The need for substitutions occurs when there are constraints in a person diet due to health issues or other reasons. iet due to health issues or other reasons.


GO Top +-
GearSpecies +-
GearVessel +-
GearWaterArea +--
Gesture Interaction +Ontology pattern to model concepts related to human gesture interactions.


HasPest +Example: Y <has pest> X. An organism Y in which the organism X causes harm. E.g. "Litchi chinensis" <hasPest> "Bactrocera dorsalis";
HazardousSituation +The hazardous situation ontology design pa The hazardous situation ontology design pattern provides a building block for modelling situations where one or more objects is exposed to one or more hazards to some extent (exposure value). Such situations have some cause that triggered enactment of a hazard. They also result in some consequences. Hazardous situations appear across domains, e.g. in occupational safety and health domain or other domains that require risk assesement. ther domains that require risk assesement.
HistoricalMap +Historical map's semantic documentation


Information realization +This is a basic patterns, representing the difference between abstract and realized (manifested, concrete, etc.) information.
InformationObjectsAndRepresentationLanguages +-
IntensionExtension +This pattern employs a simple set of properties to link information objects to their meanings, and to entities they can be about.
Interest +Used for capturing the interest of a user, as well as capturing the provenance of interest predictions.
Invoice +-


LCA Pattern +The pattern is intended to foster interoperability between existing data models, specifications, and software, and thereby act as a joint building block for the rapidly increasing interest in semantics within the broader LCA community.
LicenseLinkedDataResources +-Adhere to the underlying structure presen -Adhere to the underlying structure present in other Rights Expression Languages -Be able to represent existing known licenses (i.e. Creative Commons licenses etc.) -Support database rights: extraction and re-utilization -Support privacy law (personal data handling) and the right to access -Support the intellectual property law rights: reproduction, distribution, transformation -Support these right declarations: Unconditionally waiving rights, Restating that some rights are reserved, Licensing rights subject to conditions -Supporting existing licensing practices for RDF resources -Supporting these business models: Open data business models, Non open data business models, Hybrid models. open data business models, Hybrid models.
LinnaeanTaxonomy +--
List +Representing ordered lists, through a spec Representing ordered lists, through a specialization of the bag pattern, where each resource in the bag is referred through an item, so that the same item can occur in several places. The usual properties of lists are also there, i.e. the sequence of elements, and references to the first and last item. and references to the first and last item.
Literal Reification +Literals are reified in proper ontological individual (belonging to the class 'Literal'), expressing the literal value they refer to through a data property. This reification allows to use each 'reified literal' as subject or object of assertions.


Map Legend Ontology +In this work, we formalize a map legend ontology (MLO) that can be used for semantically annotate and query map contents via their legend in a machine-readable manner using Semantic Web and Linked Data technologies.
Material Transformation +The pattern models a material transformation as something that has inputs and catalysts, and produces some outputs. All inputs, catalysts and outputs are material, and within them, embodied energy may be described.
MaterialsProperty +This pattern provides an extensible and modular content ontology design pattern that captures materials properties, the governing conditions, and the asserting authority.
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