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CoversRequirement This property indicates a competency question expressed in natural language, that is covered by the Content Ontology Design Pattern. The value of this property is of type Text.

This property is a subproperty of Property:PatternProblem.

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Pages using the property "CoversRequirement"

Showing 25 pages using this property.


Nary Participation +What are the participants in that event at this time?, What events had what participants in that location?
NewsReportingEvent +What aspects of an actual event were presented in the news message?, Who reported an actual event? Which news provider they represented?, When was a certain actual event reported for the first time?,
Notepattern +what is the name of a note?, what part of the score does a note belong to?, what are the dynamic indications referring to a note in the score?,


OOPMetrics +What are the software metrics for a particular project/package/class/method? Knowing the software metrics, is there a design-flaw in the software system?, Care sunt metricile soft pentru un anumit proiect/pachet/clasa/metoda? Cunoscand metricile soft,
Object with states +Objects must have a unique state, Object states must belong to a single collection of non-duplicate elements (i.e., to a set),
Objectrole +what role does this object play?, which objects do play that role?
Observation +What objects have been observed? What are the observations of this object? What are the parameters under which this object was observed? What objects were observed under this parameter?
OntoClean Meta-Property Ontology +Are the different uses of the subclass relation used consistently?


PartOf +what is this entity part of?, What are the parts of this entity?
ParticipantRole +What is the role of this object in this event?, What is the object holding this role in this event?, In what event did this object hold this role?
Participation +Which objects do participate in this event? Which events do this object participate in?
PeriodicInterval +What is the period of the interval 'every tuesday of 2010'? The period is a week (weekly).
Place +Where is a certain thing located? What is located at this place?
Policy +<p><i>What are the main entiti <p><i>What are the main entities associated with a policy?</i> A policy is usually associated with:<ul><li>super/sub-policies</li> <li>processes</li> <li>agents</li> <li>other entities</li></ul></p> <p><ul><li><i>What are the main attributes of a policy?</i> They are: ttributes of a policy?</i> They are:, version, language,
Pollution +1. What are the contributors of the pollut 1. What are the contributors of the pollution? 2. What is the pollutant concentration at a particular time and place? 3. What are the carriers that contributed to the pollution? 4. What are the pollutants carried by a carrier? 5. What are the prescribed standards for a particular pollutant? 6. What is the trajectory of a carrier for a pollutant? e trajectory of a carrier for a pollutant?
PrivacyPolicyPersonalData +What personal data is collected? e.g. emai What personal data is collected? e.g. email * Does the data have a category? e.g. contact information * What was its source? e.g. user * How is it collected? e.g. given by user or automated * What is it used for? e.g. creating an account and authentication and verification * How long is it retained for? e.g. 90days after account deletion * Who is it shared with? e.g. ‘partners’ * What is the legal basis? e.g. given consent or legitimate use * What processes/purposes was the data shared for? e.g. analytics or marketing * What is the legal type of third party? e.g. processor or controller or authority e.g. processor or controller or authority
Process Specification Language (PSL) +Identify the set of activities that occurred before a particular timepoint., Are there any activities that have no occurrences?, Which timepoints did no activities occur at?,


Reaction +In which order some agents has been involved in a situation?, Who contributed to produce a particular reaction?, Who contributed to some event?,
Reactor pattern +1. What are the inputs consumed by a certain process?, 2. What environmental conditions need to hold for the process to get activated?, 3. What are the outputs produced by the process?,
RecurrentEventSeries +What are the events of a recurrent event series?, Which is the time period elapsing between two events of a recurrent event series?, When is the next event of a recurrent event series scheduled?,
RecurrentSituationSeries +What are the situations of a recurrent situation series?, Which is the time period elapsing between two situations of a recurrent situation series?, When is the next situation of a recurrent situation series scheduled?,
Region +What is the value for the attribute of that entity?, Which entities have a certain value on that parameter/attribute/feature?
ReportingEvent +What characteristics (date/participants/cause etc.) is an actual event said to have?, Which agent made a statement about an actual event?, On which sources these statements were based?,
ReportingNewsEvent +What aspects of an actual event were presented in the news message?, Who reported an actual event? Which news provider they represented?, When was a certain actual event reported for the first time?,
ResourceAbundanceObservation +What resource is observed? For what year and at what abundance level?
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